Chapter 9506 is all drama

The old man's face stiffened for a moment, my master?

Is this master still behind?

However, he quickly showed a kind smile:

"Good apprentice, you have never worshipped a master, I have never confiscated an apprentice, or how can we say that our master and apprentice are predestined!"

Yun Chujiu also showed admiration:

"Yes, our masters and disciples really have fate to meet thousands of miles, the fate of the master and disciples of Sansheng III!"


Chi Wu and Fei Yi are eye-openers, especially Chi Wu. He feels that his face is thick enough, but now he knows that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people!

Look at how natural the performance of this old one is, if he didn't know the cause and effect, he would really think that they had a deep understanding between them.

The old man and Yun Chujiu acted for a while, some of them couldn't go on, because he felt a little bit of substitution in the act.

As if the person in front of him is really his apprentice, what a hell!

What does this mean? It means that the little girl is better than his acting skills!

He hesitated to implement the previous plan, because he suddenly felt a little confused.

But after thinking about it, being able to act doesn't mean much. How much experience can a yellow-haired girl have, how he can be fooled.

But, how can you change the topic quietly? If it is too abrupt, I am afraid the little girl will be suspicious.

When he was worried, Yun Chujiu curiously said:

"Master, you talked about the gods of the sky before, and I have never heard of it. Tell me in detail!"

The old man was overjoyed, he was really thinking about something, he smiled and said:

"My good disciple, even if you don't ask, I am a teacher who wants to talk to you.

God's Aperture is so amazing this day, there may not be one in a million people.

Moreover, the gods can only be stimulated by chance, so there may not be one in tens of thousands of people. "

"Master, what was so extraordinary about Divine Aperture that day?" Yun Chujiu asked.

The old man replied: "The most extraordinary thing about the Celestial Aperture is that it can resist attacks from the divine consciousness."

Yun Chujiu was a little disappointed and said, "It's just such a small effect, I thought it was too much!"

The old man almost yelled, so effective?

Isn't it strong enough to withstand the attacks of the gods? !

Are you thinking too much? !

He endured forbearance, and then said patiently:

"Guy boy, you don't know anything, it's amazing to be able to resist attacks from divine consciousness.

Just like a hornet's nest, why am I helpless with it? Isn't it just because of the consciousness attack is invalid to it? ! "

When Yun Chujiu heard this, he immediately glanced at the multi-eyed resentful beast with unkind eyes:

"Master, I thought it was your helper, so I didn't plan to deal with it.

But listening to what you just said, feelings are not a good thing!

As long as you have a word, I will cut this thing to death so as not to get in your eyes. "

Old man: "..."

Multi-eyed Beast: "..."

The old man coughed a few times: "I just said that, I want you to understand the power of defense against divine consciousness."

Yun Chujiu looked puzzled: "What's so great?

Just like hornet's nest, I can kill hundreds of them a day! "

Old man: "..."

Multi-eyed resentful beast hates and fears in his heart. For Yun Chujiu's words, it... believes.

It is derived from resentment, and the most feared is thunder and lightning.

Therefore, in its eyes, Yun Chujiu is the nemesis and the great demon.

The old man almost failed to maintain a good master’s personality, so he said:

"Because you are the god's orifice, you can restrain it. This shows the power of the god's orifice."

(End of this chapter)

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