Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9513: What's so powerful

Chapter 9513 is so powerful

Yun Chujiu stared at the Multi-Eyed Beast for a while, and looked at the Multi-Eyed Beast with straight hair.

It is now beyond regret!

The host becomes a fool, and the fool will naturally not have grievances, it will have to starve to death!

Knowing this, it said nothing to provoke this demon!

Yun Chujiu's eyes flashed slightly: "Your host has become a fool, will you not eat it anymore?"

Multi-eyed Hustle Beast didn't know the intention of Yun Chujiu's question, but he nodded honestly.

"Well, let's get acquainted. I don't want to watch you starve to death. How about I show you a clear road?" Yun Chujiu said with a smile.

The multi-eyed resentful beast shivered, and Yun Chujiu's smile was extremely terrifying in its eyes.

Can she be so kind? Means the road? I'm afraid it is no return!

Yun Chujiu continued, "Aren't there other felons here? You take me to find one at random. Then I will kill his grieving beast and let you replace it, how about?"

A dozen eyes of Multi-Eyed Resent Beast suddenly lit up!

This is a great idea!

Although fixing a host to **** grievances is good for cultivation, it is now a problem to live, so how can I care about these? !

As long as there is something to eat, besides, it has grudges against other resentful beasts. Killing one and losing one is also considered revenge!

It nodded suddenly like pounding garlic, and its big fluffy tail swayed constantly.

Seeing it agreed, Yun Chujiu asked, "Does this old man have any treasures?"

Multi-eyed Hustle Beast shook his head, and then pointed at the eighteen **** chains with his big tail.

Yun Chujiu was a little speechless, of course she knew that the **** chain was a good thing, but the problem was that she had to get it.

Although she felt that the chance of success was very small, she still tried to chop a few times with the broken sword, and ended in failure without surprise.

She wanted to chop again, Chi Wu said in a crying voice: "Sister, please, don't chop! I can't stand it anymore!"

Yun Chujiu turned her head in amazement, and saw Fei Yi and Chi Wu's faces pale, and she asked, "What's wrong?"

Chi Wu weakly pointed to the chain of gods: "When you cut that chain of gods, our consciousness will be attacked, don't you feel it?"

Yun Chujiu really didn't feel any attack. After thinking about it, she estimated that this thing was similar to Heaven's Punishment. Since she couldn't feel Heaven's Punishment, it was normal if she could not feel the attack from the Heavenly God Chain.

Thinking of this, she said to Chi Wu: "I can feel a little too, but I can bear it.

Forget it, anyway, it keeps cutting, so it's here for the time being, and it will come back later if you have a chance. "

Chi Wu: "..."

You seem to be able to come anytime!

Seeing that he and Fei Yi were not in good condition, Yun Chujiu took another hour of rest, which allowed the Multi-Eyed Grim Beast to lead the way.

The Multi-Eyed Resent Beast has been thinking about the target of its attack, but unfortunately there are too many grudges against it!

I feel **** everything!

How about suddenly stinky girl kill them all?

Thinking of this, it trembled with excitement.

If it succeeds, it will be the only grieving beast here!

When the time comes, it will inhale as many grievances as it wants, even if it takes a breath and exhales it does not matter!

Whoops, if the grievance is enough, how strong it must be!

Maybe it can break away from the shackles here and go out to rule the king!

When it was dreaming, Yun Chujiu kicked it: "Hornet's nest, what are you trembling? Hurry up and lead the way!"

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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