Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9515: suddenly see the light

Chapter 9515 is suddenly clear

Yun Chujiu said nothing, and motioned Chi Wu to continue following.

Chi Wu felt a little unsure. This multi-eyed resentment beast didn't feel at ease when he saw it, and it seemed that he suddenly remembered something, and intuitively felt that the next situation would be very dangerous.

However, recalling Yun Chujiu's brutal performance before, he still followed.

Besides, now I can only follow the boss, or I don't know how to die.

Compared to Chiwu, Fei Yi was rather calm.

After another quarter of an hour, around a mountain bend, suddenly enlightened.

Not far away is the collapsed Sanshi Cliff, with piles of rocks.

It was not the rocks that stunned the three people, but the grieving beasts on the rocks.

The three counted, and there were a total of seventeen resentful beasts, plus the multi-eyed resentful beasts, exactly 18.

These resentful beasts are also weird, and the size is about the same as the multi-eyed resentful beasts.

The Multi-Eyed Resent Beast had already crawled over in a hurry, and called as it crawled, not knowing what to say.

The seventeen resentful beasts didn't even look at it, and rightly assumed it did not exist.

What an angry resentful beast!

How dare you ignore me?

Wait for me!

Let the female devil kill you all in a while!

The multi-eyed resentful beast wanted to occupy a good position, but its current strength was greatly damaged, and it was directly shot flying by a resentful beast with a tiger head, bear paw, and fish tail.

It happened to fall in front of Yun Chujiu.

The multi-eyed resentful beast was angry and annoyed, but after seeing Yun Chujiu, a squishy flashed in a dozen eyes.

It showed a flattering look, then pointed its tail at the seventeen resentful beasts, and then used its tail to wipe its neck.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help but sneer. Is this planning to use her as a gunman?

Want to be beautiful!

Seeing that Yun Chujiu ignored it, the multi-eyed resent beast had no choice but to climb up the pile of rocks again.

It learned well this time, and found a corner to stand so as not to be picked up by other grudges.

Although it felt a bit angry, it was not too late anyhow.

Chi Wu first saw all these complaining beasts, and his legs were so frightened that he almost collapsed on the ground.

But seeing Yun Chujiu's calm face, and then thinking about the tragic situation of the multi-eyed complaining beast before, it was a little calmer.

He lowered his voice and asked, "Sister, what are they doing?"

Yun Chujiu shook his head and motioned for him to silence.

Chi Wu was very obedient, and stopped talking.

After about a quarter of an hour, the resentful beasts began to excite, roaring one after another.

Fei Yi and Chi Wu are suffering this time. Those calls are mental attacks. Although they are not directed at them, they can't stand it!

The two wanted to retreat, but felt that it was not safe to be too far from Yun Chujiu, so they had to meditate in place to resist the cry of the resentful beasts.

Contrary to them, Yun Chujiu wished that these resentful beasts could scream louder, because their screams shocked her consciousness again.

Although Yun Chujiu doubted that the eye he had drilled was not a magical eye, he still wanted to get a few more.

The previous cracks in the consciousness were "fixed" by the thorns of the old man, so she wanted to get a few more cracks out.

Not to mention, half a quarter of an hour later, a crack appeared in her consciousness.

Before she had time to be happy, the eye turned into a whirlpool again, and then the crack disappeared.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

When she was stunned, the grieving beasts stopped yelling and all stared at one place.

The three of Yun Chujiu also looked there, all of them stunned.

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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