Chapter 9524 grievances

Hearing the words of the multi-eyed complaining beast, Ergouzi couldn't help but feel darkly happy. Originally, he was really worried that the little fairy would eventually take this thing. After all, this thing has a good sense of attack.

However, this thing is simply blind, and even said that the little fairy is not a beauty, this can be regarded as stepping on the cat's tail of the little fairy, and he will definitely not accept it.

Yun Chujiu glanced at the crying multi-eyed resent beast, and said, "Apart from lust?"

"Then there is no weakness, don't look at him being locked by the **** chain, you are not his opponent.

If you rush in, you might dig a hole and bury yourself. "

When Multi-Eyed Hustle Beast said this, his tone was a little proud: "But, it's not impossible, after all, there is me!

After getting there, let's terminate the contract first, and I will treat him as the host, so that I can **** his vitality, and he has to listen to us! "

"Since you have a way, why didn't you just say it?" Yun Chujiu frowned.

Multi-eyed Grievous Beast sighed: "You don't know, our Grievous Beast is easily unwilling to change the host, because this will greatly damage the cultivation base.

Not to mention changing the host so frequently, but now there is no way, who makes you not a beauty! "

Yun Chujiu hooked up the corner of his mouth: "You don't want to sing a fake show, do you? You want to join forces with me to deal with me after breaking the contract with that renunciation?"

The Multi-Eyed Hustle Beast originally had this plan, but after being beaten by Yun Chujiu before, she was persuaded.

Therefore, when I heard Yun Chujiu's words, it was called a grievance:

"Wrong, **** wrong! I sacrificed my cultivation to help you, but you still doubt me? You are too ruthless!"

Yun Chujiu snorted coldly: "It's not the best, it doesn't matter if it is, I can kill you at any time!"

Although the multi-eyed resentful beast is very frustrated, but its strength is crushed, it can only make compromises.

The sky thunder has gradually subsided from the time they spoke.

Chi Wu couldn't help but gave a thumbs up: "Little girl, it seems that your speculation is correct. The purpose of Thunder this day is really to scare the monster of resentment."

Without waiting for Yun Chujiu to speak, he pleased and said: "Sister, you have to cover me for a while, the felon can't help you, maybe you will attack me.

If he takes me hostage, you will be passive. "

Hearing his words, the multi-eyed resentful beast turned more than a dozen eyes, this trash reminded it to wake up, or try to catch him as a hostage?

However, it quickly dispelled this idea, because it heard Yun Chujiu say:

"Second brother, if you really become a hostage, I won't be threatened by the other party.

The reason is simple. If I am threatened, not only will you fail to survive, but I will also fail to survive.

So, for a while, you will be smarter, and I may not have enough energy to protect you. "

Although Chi Wu knew what Yun Chujiu said was reasonable, he was still a little bit disappointed. Normally, shouldn't he promise to protect him thoroughly? !

After all, they are half-brothers and sisters!

Fei Yi smiled and said, "Sister, don't worry, although we can't help you much, we will try not to hold you back."

Chi Wu curled his lips, but could speak beautifully. Don't ask the little girl for help when you are able.

After a quarter of an hour, a cave entrance appeared in front.

The multi-eyed resentful beast was a little excited: "Hey, here is the place where the recidivist is detained. You will go in with me, or should I go in first?"

(End of this chapter)

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