Chapter 9526 Broken Things

Yun Chujiu kicked the multi-eyed resentful beast, and the dog couldn't spit out ivory!

The multi-eyed resentful beast dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, so he had to glared at the old man a dozen or so eyes.

Although Yun Chujiu felt that the multi-eyed resentful beast was talking nonsense, she also made her think.

"Senior, I can see that you are not interested in these vulgar things. I have some interesting scripts here. I wonder if you are interested?"

The old man lacks interest: "The script? What's so good about that stuff?!"

"It's not too late for you to take a look and then draw a conclusion."

As Yun Chujiu spoke, he took out a notebook and motioned to the old man to send it to the old man.

The multi-eyed complaining beast thinks that the female devil has a bad brain, and people don't even like spars. What kind of scripts would they like these?

Having said that, it didn't dare not to follow suit, and sent it to the old man with its head against the script.

The old man glanced casually, and he was taken aback when he saw the cover, only to see that it was written... "My Seventy-two Husbands of the Sixth Court of San Gong".

After a daze, the old man was a little curious. If it were the 72 concubines of the San Gong Six Hospital, it would be understandable, how could he be a husband?

Out of curiosity, he opened the script with his magical hand.

Chi Wu stood on his toes, stretched his neck, and saw the words on the cover. What kind of **** was this? ! The old man will not become angry, right? !

The little girl is also a fool, and she has to fight for a while.

Sure enough, he saw that the old man's face was very ugly, and he quickly stepped back a few steps secretly.

It's not that he's persuading him, he really can't fight it!

It's better to find a way to protect yourself, so as not to cause trouble for the little girl.

However, after a while, he found that the old man hadn't made any trouble, and there was a...a rippling smile on his face.

Chi Wu: "..."

How did he know the old man...opened the door to a new world.

Although if his little concubine dared to get a harem out, he would be furious, but the words in the book didn't matter.

The most important thing is that I have never read such a script before!

Yun Chujiu coughed a few times: "Senior, don't you know if you would be satisfied with these words?"

The old man reluctantly moved his gaze away from the script: "It's okay, but what I want to say is of great importance. Wouldn't you just send me if you want to use one?"

"How about ten books?"

The old man shook his head: "Too little."

"Twenty books?"

"not enough."


The two bargained, and finally settled on fifty books.

Fei Yi and Chi Wu watched Yun Chujiu take out fifty scripts, and they couldn't help but slander. Is it possible that she used to open a bookstore in Baqi Prison?

The old man resisted the urge to look at it right away, and then he came to the point: "You asked me what is closed under the cliff of the third world, right?"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Please also seniors to solve their doubts."

"This is a long story..." The old man said here, and he glanced sympathetically at the three of Yun Chujiu before continuing:

"You have been living in the Buddha Prison, and you have not even seen the sun, moon and stars, so your horizons are naturally narrower.

Therefore, I have to talk to you about the world outside the Buddha Prison. "

The old man's eyes were full of nostalgia: "The outside world is much more colorful than here. I think I married sixty-six concubines and countless confidantes..."

Yun Chujiu was very speechless. Seeing the old man talking endlessly, seeing the concubine who was about to introduce him one by one, she interrupted:

"Senior, can you tell us about the origin of this Buddha Prison?"

(End of this chapter)

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