Chapter 9531 is eventful

Yun Chujiu thought that the old man probably didn't know the inside story, so he said so.

She also changed the subject: "Senior, I think you talked very well. You must have been a great character at the beginning. Who was the victim of this situation?"

Yun Chujiu's words are not a compliment. If nothing else, the fact that the old man can live for millions of years is enough to show that he is not simple.

The old man sighed: "Everything has a cause and effect, so I didn't mention it in the past.

Little girl, I have said everything I can tell you, I advise you to leave here earlier, lest you get into trouble. "

The multi-eyed complaining beast moved forward and barked his teeth at the old man.

The old man smiled: "Why? Want to exhaust my life to threaten me? I can't ask for it. For me, being alive is torture."

Yun Chujiu kicked the multi-eyed resentful beast, feeling it was troublesome.

How angry is this beast!

Doesn't it want to show performance? The result is not human inside and out!

Well, it wasn't originally a human being.

Yun Chujiu said to the old man: "Senior, I want to ask you one more thing.

If the fragments of Sha reappear in the world, is it good or bad? "

"If Sha's spirit is replaced by the monster of resentment, even if he leaves here, he won't be able to make any storms.

If Sha's spiritual wisdom is not replaced in the end, it will not be able to leave here, let alone leave the Buddha Prison.

So your assumption is basically not true. "

Yun Chujiu smiled: "Senior, there is nothing impossible in this world. If the Sha's spirit is still there, and he can leave the Buddha Prison, is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

The old man didn't speak for a while. When Yun Chujiu thought he would not answer, he said:

"If it can really leave the Buddha Prison, it will not change anything, unless it can find the remaining fragments, do you know how many fragments it broke into?"

Yun Chujiu naturally didn't know, and the old man didn't really want to ask her, and continued:

"It is rumored that Sha was broken into thousands of pieces in order to save Mo Huang, almost turned into powder.

What Sanshiya suppressed here is the largest fragment, and the remaining ones may have long since disappeared between heaven and earth.

Therefore, even if your hypothesis is true, it should be in vain that the fragments of Sha really left the Buddha Prison. "

Yun Chujiu raised his eyebrows: "Then what if it finds the sleeping Emperor Mo?"

The old man almost subconsciously said: "If it can be found, hell! Mo Sovereign is already there, ahem, I mean the place where Mo Sovereze sleeps is very hidden, even if it is the fragment of Sha, there is no way to find it."

Yun Chujiu is so refined. Seeing the old man reacting like this, he guessed that Emperor Mo was not dormant at all, and was belching 80%.

"Senior, as the so-called meeting is fate, you and I have common interests, so I can't bear you to suffer here.

How can I save you from here? "

When the old man heard this, the first thought that came up in his heart was, common interests? This little girl is... lustful?

In a blink of an eye, I remembered those scripts, what I dare to say is this.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I am destined to be here for years and can't get out.

If you are interested, then send me some scripts and let me pass the time. "

"Senior, you can't say that, what if I can really do it! Tell me, how can I save you?"

Yun Chujiu had her little Jiujiu in his heart, and he could be heard from the old man's words that he was different from the other felons.

Of course, she didn't mean... unable to give birth, but he knew more.

(End of this chapter)

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