Chapter 9539 Remedy

Hearing Yun Chujiu's words, the little green people were suddenly overjoyed.

"Silly? Hahaha! That's a good name! I think this stuff should be called silly!"

"Isn't it, it's a big fool! How could the fool become what he is now?!"

"Come on, let's shout big fools together!"

"Big fool!"

"Big fool!"


Yun Chujiu had been staring at the Sha's fragments, she was not sure whether this would arouse its fighting spirit or resentment.

If it is fighting spirit, that would be great.

If it was resentment, it would be troublesome, and she could only find a way to delay it.

To her surprise, the fragment did not react at all.

If it weren't for knowing that its intelligence has not been wiped out, Yun Chujiu would really think it was dead.

The little green people were very noisy at first, but when they saw that the fragments of Sha didn't react, they didn't feel much fun.

The evil monster was a little impatient, and gave Yun Chujiu an ultimatum. If there is no way to arouse the evil spirit of the fragments within a quarter of an hour, then you are not welcome.

When Yun Chujiu was at a loss, Gouweicao excitedly let the ball of yarn pass a message to her.

"Grandma, I think it's because of the poisonous water that the Sha's fragment is doing. If you first find a way to drink the poisonous water, it must be alive and well.

When the time comes, it is grateful for your life-saving grace, and it will definitely agree to it. "

Yun Chujiu: Is it such a use to promise by body? !

However, she felt that what the dog's tail said was not unreasonable.

From the traces of corrosion on the fragments, it can be judged that these poisonous waters will definitely limit it. If all these poisonous waters are drunk, it might be really useful.

It's just that the resentment monster can't just watch her drink up the poisonous water. You have to find an excuse to stabilize it. It's best to distract it.

Thinking of this, she winked at the resentful monster.

The monster of complaint is unknown, so the little green people don't understand what Yun Chujiu means.

Yun Chujiu had to point a finger outside and said, "Shall we take a step to speak?"

The monster with the word resentment didn't know what medicine Yun Chujiu's gourd sold, so he had to take her out of the dungeon.

Yun Chujiu sighed: "We just miscalculated!"

The little green people almost said in unison: "What do you mean?"

"Oh, does this need to be said?! The fragment heard our conversation and knew that we were in the same group. Even if there is a grievance, I have to hold back!" Yun Chujiu said regretfully.

The little green people chirped immediately:

"Yeah! Why didn't you think of this?! Although it doesn't have much sage left, it's not completely stupid. It will definitely be held back!"

"Mistakes, mistakes! If we knew this, we should discuss it outside before going in."

"What's the use of saying these, since it knows everything, then this little girl is useless, let's eat her!"

"Although she is too dry, she can make do with it."


Yun Chujiu said hurriedly: "Wait! I have a remedy!"

"any solution?"

Yun Chujiu squinted his eyes and smiled so sinisterly: "Let's play a mission impossible, we will count it!"

The little green man who spoke for the monster of complaint asked: "What do you mean? You better not play tricks, or you are not welcome!"

Yun Chujiu spread his hands: "Our strengths are very different, what tricks can I play?! First listen to my method, and do what you say."

(End of this chapter)

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