Chapter 9545 hasn't got a big move yet

After all, grievances are human thinking after all, and the monsters of grievances naturally cannot understand.

What Yun Chujiu said just now was about these grievances, even if they knew that Yun Chujiu might be fooling them, but this was after all their long-cherished desire.

It's not an exaggeration to call it faith. Whether they want to replace Sha, or leave Sanshiya, their ultimate goal is to become human again.

Therefore, the phrase "nonsense" of the evil monsters is simply poking their hearts, and naturally they will be scolded.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the silly face of the evil monster.

In her opinion, the little green people are much more foolish than this monster of resentment.

She sighed: "Since I am talking nonsense, then you can assume that I didn't say anything..."

Those little green people can't bear to see hope, so they are willing to give up, so they are busy persuading:

"Don't listen to it babbling, it knows what a fart?! It's just a thing we made, and it's always a bad idea!"

"Yes, let's talk about ours. Just treat it as dead."

"That is, the so-called non-my race must have different hearts, and this thing is not safe.

Ignore it, just talk about it, is there any way we can re-behave? "


The resentment monster is so angry!

Obviously it is the leader, and now these damned grievances are so insulting to it? !

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

In its anger, it didn't care that Yun Chujiu was gone, turning into a green mist to squeeze the little green people.

Those green little people didn't expect that the monsters of complaining words would turn their faces when they said they turned their faces.

The squeezed green villain directly turned into a green mist and became a part of the evil monster, in other words, transformed into the cultivation base of the evil monster.

The green villain who reacted would naturally not sit and wait for death, and instead swallow the green mist.

All of a sudden, the scene was chaotic.

Black Heart Nine, who hasn't started to formally sow discord: "..."

Huh? I haven't made a big move yet? Why did you do it?

Of course, this did not prevent her from schadenly watching the show.

If it is not necessary to maintain the personality, she really wants to take a small horse and sit and eat sunflower seeds. After all, this is the standard for watching a movie.

Yun Chujiu still hopes that the green villain will win, but she has to wait until both sides are hurt before taking action, because it is safer and best for her.

However, she didn't expect those green villains to be so useless, but she fell into a disadvantage in half an hour.

It seems that the monster of resentment usually hides its eyes, and has long wanted to be the only one.

The matter was over, she had no choice but to take action.

She first released the big flower and let it bite the green mist.

She was not idle either, and struck out lightning at the green mist.

With her blending, the resentment monster calmed down and regretted it.

It hurriedly said to the remaining green villains: "Don't fight! We have been hit by her divorce plan! It is the business to kill her first!"

It's a pity that the little green guys didn't listen to it at all, and the little green guy with a bad temper screamed:

"Fuck your bullshit! Obviously you did it first! Besides, she is obviously helping us, you are the **** one!"

The resentment monster was so angry that he had known that these idiots were so stupid, and he shouldn't have to bear it until now.

It stared at Yun Chujiu bitterly, relying on this stinky girl!

Even if it dies, it will pull her back!

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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