Chapter 9548 Hope

If Yun Chujiu was too full of words, these little green people would really be a little skeptical. Seeing her saying this, he believed it again.

The violent little green man asked, "What is the solution?"

Yun Chujiu did not answer and asked, "Presumably you have used many methods over the years, but none of them succeeded, right?"

The green little people nodded one after another. They tried countless ways but failed, so in the end did they spawn a monster of resentment to replace Sha's spiritual wisdom.

After they have replaced Sha, they will leave here to find a way to become human.

Yun Chujiu pointed at the fragment with his hand: "It takes no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to be found. The trick for you to become human is this!

Of course, I'm not talking about replacing it.

Have you ever thought about it, what Sha absorbed at the beginning was just a ray of resentment from you, why can you become a resentment?

Why didn't the grievances absorbed by those resentful beasts turn into resentment? "

Those little green people really haven't thought about this problem, yes, why did they turn from resentment to resentment?

Yun Chujiu continued: "Isn't this obvious, the reason why you have restored your sanity and your previous memories is because of evil!"

Sha must have the effect of nourishing soul, so it can turn you from a ray of resentment into a resentment.

Therefore, your hope of becoming human lies in Sha! "

The little green people are frying!

"It seemed to make sense to hear her say this.

I remember that I was confused at first, and then I gradually became sane. Could it really be a soul? "

"It's estimated to be so. Didn't you find that since Sha is half dead, do we sometimes have a bad brain?"

"Isn't it?! I have been very forgetful recently, and I can't remember many things before."


The violent little green man suddenly filled with righteous indignation and said:

"The white-eyed wolf must know this, so we urged us to replace Sha quickly. Fortunately, the little girl reminded us, otherwise we have to be killed by it!"

Yun Chujiu said in his heart that it was because you wanted to replace the sha that you made the sha-character monster, but now you are pushing things to it.

Also, there is no right to prove it, it can't be more suitable for backing the pot.

At this time, the little talker who had been silent said:

"You said that our hope of recovering our bodies lies in Sha, but it is just a fragment now, is it still capable of helping us recover?"

Yun Chujiu thought to himself, it seems that this messenger villain is smarter than the others, so it's no wonder that he was selected by the monster.

When the rumors say this, the other evil spirits just remembered this question, yeah, even if the evil spirits had the ability to cultivate souls, now there is only one fragment left for ass? !

Yun Chujiu hooked up the corner of his mouth slightly: "I haven't thought about this problem. Now I will analyze it for you.

Although Sha is only a fragment now, it still has the possibility of recovery, and this possibility is very high. "

The grumpy villain interrupted: "How do you know?"

Yun Chujiu was not annoyed, and patiently explained: "This is a good inference. If it has no possibility of recovery, those people will not get a Sanshiya to suppress it.

If there is no possibility of recovery, Heavenly Dao can't send Tian Lei to urge you to replace it quickly.

Besides, no one understands Sha without you, do you think it will be obliterated so easily? "

(End of this chapter)

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