Chapter 955 Who sees you are Xi Shi

At the beginning of the cloud, they glanced at them. After smearing the hair on their heads, they took out the scorpion and tied them on their heads. They still had two small tails behind them, and they trembled.

"Small nine sisters, you are born with natural beauty, such a dress is also a little beauty." Feng Ming said.

Shi Xuan also quickly said: "Yes, Xiaojiu Shimei, some people are Xi Shi in the eyes of lovers, but you are such a beautiful woman, you can see Xi Shi."

At the beginning of the cloud, I touched my chin. "Sister Shi Xuan, how is this word so familiar? It seems that I told the Seven Sisters, how do you know?"

Shi Xuan smiled twice: "Coincidence, coincidence, purely coincidental."

At the beginning of the cloud, he snorted: "Let's take a break, then continue on the road, and wait until the town to rest."

Feng Ming three nodded, after eating the drug, simply ate something, and began to meditate on the spot.

At this time, footsteps came from far away, and there were laughter from young men and women. The cloud was very mixed in the heart. When the monk representative was here, it should not be far from the town, but I don’t know how to come. Killing people is too common, and the four of them are so weak that it is inevitable to insult.

At the beginning of the cloud, it was decided to use static braking, no movement, and the eyes were shining.

From the distance, there are ten people, there are men and women talking and laughing, the atmosphere is very harmonious, men's handsome, women's delicate, it is a good look.

The clothes they wear are not uniform. They should not be the same force. They should only be in a good relationship.

At this time, those people also saw four people in the beginning of the cloud. The appearance of the three people of Fengming was also outstanding. Although there was no hair in the beginning of the cloud, the skin was better than snow, and the facial features were also bright, but they found that only four people When the first layer of Lingzong was repaired, there was no intention of making a good deal. Several people also licked their mouths and sneered: "White has a good skin, it is actually four wastes."

If Feng Ming three people had heard that someone had said this before, they must have done it, but Yunchu had already done ideological work for them. Therefore, although he was not worried, he did not say anything and continued to meditate and rest.

"Oh, not only is the spiritual power worse, but the ears are still not good, hey, it’s pitiful!"

"Cut! What ears are not good? This is called the time, and they are smart! If you dare to provoke us, I will directly abolish them!"

"That is, such a waste wood, a small finger can be extinguished! However, the front is a fiery desert, these four people can not want to enter the fire desert?"

"You can pull it down! With their waste, you want to go into the desert? They should be hunting low-level monsters on the edge of the desert."


At the beginning of the cloud, I sneered in my heart. It seems that there are a lot of people who are self-righteous. If they are willing to say anything, just say it, as long as they don’t provoke them, otherwise, don’t look at your high spiritual power. you guys.

At this time, an arrogant voice said: "Hey! Since you four have been here for a long time, then you can't see those purple thunders?"

The beginning of the cloud, the heart of the move, is these people coming to the purple thunder before the run? Do you think that what is the treasure of heaven?

At the beginning of the cloud, he said faintly: "I saw it. It took a few hours, it was very scary. We were scared and the legs were soft, so we sat down and rested."

(End of this chapter)

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