Chapter 9560 Four Sentences

The three of Yun Chujiu exchanged veiled glances, it seems that the so-called ancestor of ten thousand furnaces under the Tempering Hall is beginning to be a demon again.

The Lord Niu Lu is also, since you know that the thing is causing trouble, don't practice alchemy for the time being!

It's good now, it's exploded again!

However, he must be in a bad mood with this fryer. Will he anger them?

But this is not what they can control, they can only be escorted back to the medicine room.

As soon as he entered the medicine room, General Manager Yan hurried over and took the three of them to see the owner of Niulu.

The Lord Niu Lu's expression was very ugly. He saw the three of them coming in and said gloomily: "I heard that Sanshiya and a nearby mountain have collapsed? Is there such a thing?"

The three of them nodded quickly, Chi Wu looked pleased and said:

"It's true that this happened. We didn't know how to go in, Sanshiya and the mountain collapsed. At that time, we were very scared and choked by the dust."

The Lord Niu Lu asked again: "Then you can find out the reason? Why did it suddenly collapse? Are those green dots third lotus?"

Fei Yi and Yun Chujiu wanted to talk, but were preempted by Chi Wu. His faces were filled with flattering smiles:

"Master, we don't know the reason for the collapse of the Third World Cliff, but we have found out some other things, I will tell you in detail."

The owner of Niu Lu raised his eyebrows: "Say!"

"At that time, after the collapse of Sanshiya and that mountain, we were very scared. The house slanted and rained at night, and we encountered another weird thing.

That thing has the head of a tiger, the body of a cow, and the tail of a leopard. It doesn't look like a monster. I have never seen such a strange thing..."

The owner of Niu Lu frowned and said: "What you saw should be a resentful beast, then go on."

Chi Wu nodded and bowed, and continued: "It's still the owner of the house, you are very knowledgeable, we have never heard of this thing.

That resentful beast's divine consciousness is particularly powerful, but in the blink of an eye, the three of us don't know anything. "

The Lord Niu Lu didn't doubt Chi Wu's remarks, because the Spiritual Sense cultivation of the Beast was extremely powerful, and the three of them were not opponents of the Beast.

Chi Wu continued: "When we regained consciousness, we saw a skinny old man in a dungeon.

The old man was chained by several chains of the thickness of his arms, and we guessed that he was a felon in detention.

At that time, we were all frightened and felt that we must confess our lives there.

Unexpectedly, the old man seemed to have a bad brain. He cried and laughed for a while, but the resentful beast sucked his nose and kept surrounding us. It was terrifying! "

The owner of Niu Lu asked patiently, "What happened later?"

"Later, the old man seemed to suddenly wake up and asked who we were, what is happening in the city now, and what is happening outside of the city.

What we know is limited, so we will tell the truth.

After the old man listened, he stopped talking.

We didn't dare to ask, but waited fearfully.

After several hours, he said four sentences before letting the resentful beast send us out of the dungeon.

We were all frightened, and the Third Cliff also collapsed, so we returned. "

The Lord Niu Lu's eyes lit up: "Four sentences? What did you say?"

Chi Wu shook his head and said, "What he said is a mess, I think he is sloppy."

At this time, Fei Yi preemptively said: "Lord Lu, the first sentence is care, care, carelessness. The second sentence is..."

Before he finished speaking, Chi Wu rushed to say: "The second sentence is Qingguang Ru Zhuzhao in front of the hall."

(End of this chapter)

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