Chapter 9577 Contributions

The Lord Niulu did not continue the topic of Nirvana, but instead asked Yun Chujiu to be sent to an empty room.

Yun Chujiu just proposed the Nirvana Flower, but he didn't really expect that the Lord Niu Lu would offer the Nirvana Flower to the "old man". He just wanted to test it out.

Yun Chujiu judged from his demeanor that he knew Nirvana, and maybe this medicine house really has Nirvana.

I just don't know what this Nirvana Flower is, why does he value it so much?

It's not just him, Fei Yi clearly stated that he mixed into the Medicine House to leave the Buddha Prison, and to Nirvana.

Although Chi Wu didn’t say it clearly, he seemed to be rushing to the Nirvana Flower.

Another day later, Director Yan gave Yun Chujiu a storage ring, let her enter the cave again, and hand it to the "old man".

Yun Chujiu fully agreed, went down and turned around, and transferred all the herbs in the storage ring to his storage ring.

Then, threw the storage ring into the too virtual secret realm.

Lest the owner of the cow house did anything on the storage ring, revealing flaws.

Since Yun Chujiu gave the medicinal herbs to the "old man", let alone the alchemy furnace in the Quenching Hall, there has been no frying furnace.

Of course, the premise of not frying is to empty the furnace.

If the pill is refined, it will still fry the furnace.

During this period, the three Yun Chujiu were kept in solitary confinement.

No one mentioned what he promised to become a pharmacist before going to Sanshiya.

The Lord Niu Lu even moved to kill the mind, but he was concerned about the "old man" and endured it.

Anyway, it was just three little grasshoppers, and they couldn't make any waves.

What he was even more worried about was the three herbs. He copied several portraits, offered a huge reward and asked someone to ask, but he still got nothing.

This day, the Lord Niu Lu was called by the warden of the Buddha Prison, and after returning, he was furious in the study.

"The surname Ji is really bullying!

Don't you just rely on him from the Ji family? ! It's just a side branch, what's so arrogant? ! "

Manager Yan asked cautiously: "Lord Lu, what happened?"

The owner of Niu Lu said angrily: "He said that he was unwell, and asked me to participate in the five-year 10,000-dharma event for him.

Shit is unwell. It's not that I'm worried about being ridiculed at the Ten Thousand Dharma Conference. Who doesn't know that the Buddha Prison is raised by a stepmother, anyone can step on it.

The most important thing is that when Nirvana is in full bloom, if I leave, he will definitely do something.

By the time it's done, even if I turn my face with him, it won't help.

It happened that the higher-ranking officials crushed people to death, and I couldn't refuse it yet. "

Upon hearing this, Manager Yan immediately followed up with the enemy and said:

"Lord of the house, although our medicine house is in the territory of the Buddha Prison, we are under the jurisdiction of the Dan League. How about starting from this aspect? Find a reason to reject him?"

The owner of Niu Lu frowned: "It is impossible for Dan Meng to fight for us and the surname Ji, your method will not work."

Manager Yan rolled his eyes: "Lord Lu, I mean you and the prisoner said that the Dan League also allows you to participate in the Ten Thousand Dharma Festival, and you can never occupy two places alone.

Therefore, the quota of this floating Tu prison has to fall on the prisoner. "

The owner of Niu Lu was stunned: "The Dan League does not have this requirement. What if the surname Ji is discovered?"

Manager Yan Yile: "You can take the initiative to apply to Danmeng!"

The Lord Niu Lu still doesn’t quite understand: “What’s the point of doing this? Don’t I still have to leave the Buddha Prison?! If the surname Ji finds other reasons not to go, am I in vain?!”

Manager Yan's eyes flashed: "Of course you can't go, you can find three scapegoats!"

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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