Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9580: Become a pharmacist

Chapter 9580 Become a Pharmacist

After Yun Chujiu and the three became pharmacists, each had an independent medicine room and assigned them a medicine attendant.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help being stunned when he saw his medicine attendant, because he was an acquaintance.

Huan Jiang bowed to Yun Chujiu in a complicated mood: "I have seen Pharmacist Mei."

In any case, she did not expect that one of her former airbags would become a pharmacist at this time.

After Yun Chujiu was surprised, he immediately came over and took Huan Jiang's hand: "Sister Huan Jiang, I didn't expect that we would meet again. It's great!"

Huan Jiang was a little uncomfortable: "Medicine Mei, we are different now, please don't call it that in the future."

"There are no outsiders in this Yaoliu, so I can call it whatever I want.

Come, here are the fruits that the owner of the house rewarded me, you taste! "

Yun Chujiu stuffed Huanjiang's hands with fruit as he said, if she didn't know, she thought she was really sisters with Huanjiang!

Huan Jiang was a little panicked by her. She felt that there was nothing good in this world for no reason. This Mei You was not a fool, why did she do this?

It happened that the other party was now a pharmacist, she didn't dare to defy, she could only obey.

In the next two days, Huan Jiang became more panicked.

Because Yun Chujiu didn't mean to make alchemy except eating and sleeping.

She does not make alchemy, nor does she arrange work for Huan Jiang. Every day, she is allowed to accompany her to drink tea and chat, which makes Huan Jiang feel unreal in comfort.

Although she has never done a medicine, she also knows that medicine is not so good.

Although it is better than Yaonu, there are many Yaoshi who lost their lives in confusion, how can she enjoy such a blessing? !

Is it because there are no herbs?

She doesn't know that the pharmacist in the medicine house can receive the herbs for free, right?

On this day, she couldn't help but said, "Pharmaceutical Mei, do I need to go to the medicinal material store to help you get some herbs?"

Yun Chujiu lazily said, "No, I have to make alchemy when I bring it back. I'm too tired! I'll rest for a few days before talking."

Huan Jiang: "..."

Yun Chujiu had no eyes for the medicinal herbs in the medicinal material library, after all, he had already made a fortune before.

The herbs prepared by the owner of Niu Lu are not low in grade, much better than those in the medicinal material library.

Besides, she wouldn't be stupid, thinking that the master of Niu Lu had no plan to promote them to become pharmacists, and there must be a later move.

So she has to use this time to take a good rest, and then she will be tricked.

In this boring day, Yun Chujiu asked Huan Jiang: "Sister Huan Jiang, where are you from? Why do you want to come here as a medicine waiter?"

Huan Jiang corrected Yun Chujiu's name at the beginning, but now he is numb. Hearing her words, he said:

"I am a person in the Buddha City. I came to work as a medicine waiter because I wanted to be a medicine master."

Having said this, she couldn't help but laughed at herself: "I think things are too simple, and with my qualifications, I am afraid I will not be able to become a pharmacist in this life."

"That's not necessarily the case, do you think I have become a pharmacist with such a waste?!" Yun Chujiu said with a smile.

Huan Jiang: "..."

She couldn't answer this, so she didn't say a word.

Yun Chujiu stretched his waist and said, "Sister Huan Jiang, I am idle when I am idle. Tell me about the Buddha City. I rarely go out before, and I don't know many things!"

Huan Jiang had to talk about the general situation of the Buddha City. When she talked about Prisoner Ji, Yun Chujiu interjected:

"Is Prisoner Ji bigger than our Niu Lu master's official?"

"It can't be said that Yaolu belongs to the Dan League, so although the owner of Niulu does not have the post of Ji Prison Officer, it does not count as a subordinate relationship." Huan Jiang said.

(End of this chapter)

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