Chapter 9612 Cocoon

Chi Wu was a little worried while gloating over misfortune, and didn't know what happened to the little girl, is she still alive?

If you fall so high, unless there is a demon bird riding on it, you will definitely fall to death.

She has a single claw, but it is a pity that the dementor is too heavy and its wings are too short to fly.

At this time, Fei Yi winked him, and the two left the place where the incident occurred, so as not to be suspected.

After a while, the huge body of Swift Wing Jinpeng hit the ground, arousing a dust.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi couldn't take care of this, and hurriedly crawled out of the nearest porthole, distinguished the direction, and ran in the direction where Yun Chujiu might fall.

The two ran for half an hour, and then stopped at the same time.

Chi Wu stammered and said: "Big brother, tree, that on the tree, is that a cocoon? How can I look at it, like a little girl?

Could it be that the little girl is actually... "

Fei Yi ignored him, and walked a few steps closer to Yu Zi: "Little sister, little sister, are you okay?"

Yun Chujiu's weak voice came from inside the cocoon: "It's okay now, but if you come here a while later, I'm probably going to be the food reserve for the Yunwu worm to feed the little cub."

Chi Wu also ran over at this moment: "Sister, don't you have a sword? You can come out if you cut a gap?!"

"This cocoon has the effect of isolating divine consciousness, and I can't take out the sword." Yun Chujiu explained.

In fact, she has a way to escape, but she wants to wait to see if Chi Wu and Fei Yi will come to rescue her.

If she can't come, either it's a white-eyed wolf or she's not capable enough. If that's the case, she has to re-plan her future.

Fortunately, they didn't disappoint her, they found her so soon.

Chi Wu asked Dongwenxi's kung fu, Fei Yi had already taken out his sword and tried to cut the cocoon.

However, although the cocoon was soft but very tough, he only broke the surface layer after spending a long time.

Chi Wu rolled his eyes, took out a needle, and pierced his eye laboriously, and then said to Yun Chujiu, "I shouldn't be able to isolate the divine consciousness now, right? You hurry up and take out your sword!"

Yun Chujiu really worked after a try, took out the broken sword, cut the cocoon in two or three strokes, and jumped out of it.

Chi Wu looked at the broken sword Yun Chujiu was holding with envious expression, what a good baby!

Fei Yi asked: "Sister, are you not hurt? Why are you trapped in the cocoon?"

Yun Chujiu showed an expression of indescribable expression: "Don't mention it! After I was pushed down, I thought I was going to finish playing, but I didn't expect the cloud moths to gather together to support me.

I was so confused at the time!

It is speculated that these cloudworms are repaying favor because they ate my Chinese cabbage.

If this is the case, it is much better than the white-eyed wolves on the flying boat.

However, I soon discovered that I was thinking too much.

When in mid-air, they turned into cocoons, trapped me in them, and hung on this tree when they fell. "

Fei Yi and Chi Wu were stunned when they heard it. Isn't this too weird? !

Chi Wu touched his chin and said, "It's no wonder that no one has ever seen the cloud-mist moth bred offspring, dare to collect them into a cocoon.

It is estimated that after a certain period of time, this cocoon will re-hatched into the clouded moth. "

Having said this, his eyes lit up: "Sister, you are rich! This cocoon will definitely sell for a big price!"

(End of this chapter)

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