Chapter 9615 is really high

When Er Gouzi was feeling pretty, Yun Chujiu coldly snorted, "If you have something to say quickly, if there is a puff, let it go!"

If you change to another spiritual pet, you will definitely feel cold water splashed and feel uncomfortable.

But Ergouzi is even more beautiful!

Look, how nice the little fairy speaks!

I like her tune!

So, Pi Dian Pi Dian said: "Little fairy, you said that if the flying boat fell from that stupid bird's back, would all those people be killed?

Even if anyone was killed, you go down and get a knife, and it's over.

In addition, the black pot can be buckled on that stupid bird, and it will have to cooperate with you at that time, otherwise it will not end well if it returns to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

how about it?

Is this a good idea for me?

The saying is right. Smart heads don’t grow hair. I don’t even have tail hair. Can I be smart? !


Yun Chujiu automatically ignored the narcissistic words behind him, and after pondering for a moment, he felt that Er Gouzi's method was really a good one.

The key is how to make the flying boat fall down?

Before the cloud-mist moth attacked, the Swift-winged Jinpeng almost turned his body over, and the flying boat did not fall down, it seemed that it was firmly fixed.

"Big brother, second brother, do you know how the flying boat is fixed on the bird's back?"

Chi Wu said grinningly: "You are asking the right person about this matter. I really studied this matter out of curiosity.

There are eight chains across the hull of the flying boat in the bottom compartment, binding the flying boat and the back of the fast-winged Jinpeng.

The chain is made of special materials and is very strong. "

"How can the chain be removed? Is it locked by a lock? Or do I have to use any method to open it?" Yun Chujiu asked.

"I'm not quite sure about this. I guess there is a key or something, right? Otherwise, loading and unloading would be troublesome every time!

As far as I know, every time the mission is over, the flying boat will be unloaded. After all, he always carries such a behemoth on his back.

Sister, what do you ask this for? Did you think of any solution? "

Yun Chujiu nodded, and said Er Gouzi's idea again.

Chi Wu slapped his slap: "This method is amazing! You can come up with such a good idea, little girl."

Fei Yi frowned and said, "There are two questions. First, how can we unlock the chains? Second, if the flying boat falls, the three of us might not survive."

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes and said, "I guess the chain has a key, and it should be on the person of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. I will try to draw him over, and then we will kill him.

As for falling, don’t worry about this.

The cocoon can fall slowly in the air, and the three of us can still squeeze it out. "

Fei Yi said again: "Come here? How do you lead, the door is locked!"

Yun Chujiu hooked the corner of his mouth:

"The person from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect usually guards the cabin door. Our cabin is next to the cabin door. After a while, I knock on the wall regularly, and he can't help but check.

Because even if there was Yaoshi Lu's warning first, he would not be reconciled.

What's more, there are Ten Thousand Beast Sects behind him, and he will not be afraid of the Dan League.

As for the door lock, it is just a display. If he wants to come in, there is a way. "

Chi Wu's eyes were wide and round, and he gave a thumbs up: "Little girl, Gao! It's really high!"

Fei Yi also nodded: "This method is feasible, but we still have to study the details to avoid any confusion."

(End of this chapter)

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