Chapter 962, wake up soon.

Qi shopkeeper is very surprised, the dark wind commanded that in the Changsheng Temple can be said to be the most face except for a few masters, how can this little girl be so respectful?

And there is still some fear in respect, how is this possible? This little girl is just a layer of Lingzong. How can the dark winds command the strong people of the spiritual level to fear a small waste?

"Miss Jiu, in the next half month, Tianyuan College will start enrolling students. As long as they are between the ages of 14 and 25, they can take the entrance test."

“The entrance exams are different every year, but generally after three rounds of testing, the testers can qualify.”

“Tianyuan College’s tuition is very high, and each person’s 10,000 yuan per year is a good quality stone. However, if you can get the top ten in the entrance test, you will not only be exempted from tuition fees, but will also receive different points for different points.”


The dark wind said some things about himself, Barabara and Yunchu said it again.

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. Half a month was enough to make some preparations: "Dark wind, you can do one thing for me. You can help me to count the contents of the entrance test in the last ten years. If you can count for 20 years. That would be even better. Also, you will prepare me for the specific circumstances and preferences of the Dean and Tutor of Tianyuan College."

The dark wind knows that there are many ideas at the beginning of the cloud, so I didn’t ask much. I immediately arranged for people to collect these materials. The dark guards of the Changsheng Temple did these things. It was just a matter of two days. They are all ready, and they have over-fulfilled their tasks. Even the current situation of Tianyuan College students has been counted.

In the beginning of the cloud, I was envious of it. When her Lei Zong also had such a power, it would be no wonder that Xiaobai’s face was like a turtle, and people really had a fork.

At the beginning of the cloud, I studied in the house for a few days, and then the rest of the day was spent wandering around in the city of Wudi. The news that the first lady of the temple was the wife of the wife of the temple has been spread, so even though everyone is very contemptuous of her. The spiritual power, but with such a name, everyone does not dare to embarrass her.

At the beginning of the cloud, I said that the lady of the temple is not too bad. In any case, she has acted as a protector, umbrella, and umbrella. She will cough up and ask her to pick up Lingshi next time.

At the beginning of the cloud, I purchased a bunch of pieces of broken pieces. Feng Ming’s three people are unknown, but I haven’t asked. Anyway, the young nine sisters will not spend money. It is estimated to be useful.

The three of them are now worrying about one thing, that is, the tuition fee, and the 10,000-year-old Lingshi is equivalent to one hundred million of the lower-priced Lingshi. It is not enough for them to have tens of millions of products.

After the early detection of the cloud, the smile said: "Three brothers, you don't have to worry about it. When we get a top ten, will the tuition be exempt?! Again, I have money now, ten thousand Shangpinling Shi Xiaoyi, the goddess his mother has given me 200,000 Shangpin Lingshi, we graduated enough!"

Feng Ming three people automatically ignored the previous sentence of Yunchu, because the top ten? Little nine sister, you wake up! Don't say the top ten, if we can get into the final ten results, we have gone fortunes!

Half a month is fleeting, and this day is the day of registration at Tianyuan College.

Early in the morning, four people from the beginning of the cloud went to the registration office of Tianyuan College. The registration office was on the square in front of Tianyuan College. When the four people arrived at the beginning of the cloud, they had gathered tens of thousands of people.

(End of this chapter)

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