Chapter 9620

Swift-winged Jinpeng feels like he has opened the door to a new world, so it can still be like this? !

It was too stupid before!

I only know how to bury my head in work, I never know to claim credit, otherwise I won't be assigned to work in this place where the birds don't shit.

At this time, Yun Chujiu continued:

"As for the latter part, it has to be processed.

You said that when you found the flying boat fell, you should go to the rescue as soon as possible, but because of the serious injury, there was only time to catch the three of us who were thrown from the flying boat.

When I wanted to pick up other people, my injury broke out and my head became dizzy. Eventually, I didn't have enough energy to catch the flying boat.

Of course, I said that on the one hand to help you, on the other hand, I am also a little selfish.

You have also seen that cocoon. I got it by accident, and I don't want to be known by others. After all, my cultivation base is too low and I have no ability to protect myself.

You look different from other monster birds. Your heart must be as broad as your body. Please do me a favor. "

Ji-Wing Jinpeng originally had some doubts why Yun Chujiu helped it so, but now she understood what she said "in the heart".

So this is ah!

Also, having a baby on a weak chicken like her would definitely bring a murderous disaster, no wonder let it help conceal it.

It thought to myself, that's okay, it grabs the handle of the weak chicken and doesn't have to worry about betraying it in the future.

It thought about the rhetoric again, and felt that there was no flaw, and then called Yun Chujiu a few times, motioning to follow it to leave.

"Master Jinpeng, we can't leave yet." Yun Chujiu said.

Swift-winged Jinpeng was taken aback, why couldn't he leave?

"First, you said that your injury happened, so naturally you can't get better so quickly, so you have to postpone it until tomorrow.

Second, you didn't find the corpse of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. You are definitely not reconciled, so you have to search around here.

Whether you can find him or not, this is your attitude, isn't it? !

Also, the wreckage of the flying boat, the bodies of these people also need time to repair, right? !

Only in this way can you reflect your ability! "

Jinpeng nodded frequently. Although this little chicken didn't grow well, his brain was good enough.

Seeing it nodded in agreement, Yun Chujiu said, "If this is the case, then you should search for the culprit. Maybe you can really find him.

The three of us will stay here to clean up the aftermath, and then wait here for your return. "

Ji-Wing Jinpeng was very satisfied with this arrangement, and felt that the little weak chicken was very interesting.

So after a cry, he flew away.

After it was gone, Fei Yi and Chi Wu let out a sigh of relief.

To be honest, they didn't have any thoughts at all. After all, they heard that the Swift Wing Jinpeng had a violent personality, even those domesticated by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect were very surly.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be okay to flap your wings and tease people.

"Little girl, my admiration for you can no longer be expressed in words, anyway, I will follow you in the future!

Follow the little girl and have meat! "Chi Wu said with star eyes.

Yun Chujiu Yile: "I don't know if there is meat, but we will be able to make a small fortune soon!"

Chi Wu was taken aback: "Get rich? Where can I get rich?"

Yun Chujiu did not make a difference, but walked towards the wreckage.

Chi Wu suddenly brightened his eyes!

It's no wonder that the little girl dismissed the Swift-winged Jinpeng, it turned out to be like this!

"Little sister, little sister, wait for me! Leave this dirty work to me, and you will just be able to wait by the side!"

(End of this chapter)

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