Chapter 9632 Suggestions

The old man sitting in the seat probably has never seen such a show operation, but since the little girl has said it, it is estimated that the owner of the Buddha's Prison Medicine House will not fall behind.

In any case, compensation is essential. After all, it takes money to repair the damaged palace.

Those on the jury also had a stiff face, but they quickly gloated over misfortune.

Although the chaos of the Buddha Prison is thin, no one wants to go.

But it is undeniable that the Buddha Prison is indeed a good place to make money. After all, the annual contributions of the eight evil prisons and the sixteen prison districts are not small.

Even if the owner of the medicine house does not directly handle these, there is still a lot of oil and water.

Let him shed some blood, just to balance their hearts.

At this time, in the Buddha's Prison Medicine Room, the Lord Niu Lu was chatting with General Manager Yan.

"Counting the days, Lao Lu and Chi Wu should have arrived at the Ten Thousand Dharma Festival.

It's just that the message I sent to Lao Lu can't be sent, so nothing will happen, right? "The Lord Niu Lu said worried.

"Lord of the house, you worry too much!

Pharmacist Lu is a Siding pharmacist just like you, with Dan League as his backer, no one will provoke him without a long eye.

It is estimated that there is a problem with the sound transmission, and there will be no way to contact you for a while. "

It is estimated that Yaoshi Lu had already sent Chi Wu and the others to the Wanfa Grand Meeting at this time. News of their death should come in a few days, and you will solve their hidden danger. "

The Lord Niu Lu nodded: "I hope so!

No matter, it is estimated that the flowering period of Nirvana will be in these few days. Let's focus on Nirvana first. "


The old man sitting in the seat pondered for a moment, then looked at the jurors: "Since the three of them are willing to compensate for the damage, they can be punished lightly. What do you think should be handled?"

The goatee old man immediately said: "Capital sins are forgiven, but living sins are inevitable!

The impact they have caused is too bad. If they are not severely punished, and other people will follow suit, then the grand meeting will not go smoothly. "

Yun Chujiu secretly poked a look at the old goatee. If she wasn't sure she didn't know this bad old man, she would have thought that she had an enemy with him!

Why are you targeting her so much? !

Others have also spoken one after another, most of them suggested severe punishment, only a few people suggested lightly.

Yun Chujiu remembered all these people, and in the future there will be gratitude and revenge.

After these people babbled their opinions, the final decision is still in the hands of the elderly.

Yun Chujiu felt that he still had to work hard, so he said sincerely:

"Senior, we know we are guilty and we are willing to make every effort to atone for our sins.

Regarding our punishment, I would like to make two suggestions, okay? "

The old man said solemnly: "Say."

Yun Chujiu pointed at Jinpeng Jinpeng with his hand: "It is the culprit. Although we compensated it for its losses, it should also be punished.

But because it is the spirit pet of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, it is estimated that you will not be able to make any punishment.

It is better to punish it by work, and let it help transport goods or guests, and also contribute to the grand event. "

The Swift-winged Jinpeng on the side nodded in a hurry, and there was nothing to do, as long as he kept his life.

The old man nodded, he was really not good at handling the Swift-winged Golden Peng, after all, the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Beast Sect had not arrived yet.

It's not bad to let it be fined by workers, just to help pick up a few groups of people.

The old man motioned Yun Chujiu to continue talking.

"Senior, although the three of us have compensated for the loss, as the seniors said earlier, this incident has caused a bad impact.

If we don't punish us, it will definitely undermine the majesty of the grand meeting.

Otherwise, you can make three cages to pretend to be a parade, and erect us as a negative example. In this way, no one would dare to do bad things. "

Old man: "..."

Those on the jury: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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