Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9653: Don't want to trouble you

Chapter 9653 does not want to trouble you

Yun Chujiu actually wanted to install it for a while, but he was afraid of bad things to the people on the other two cars.

The old man saw that Yun Chujiu was awake and was about to speak, but he heard Yun Chujiu weakly say: "Senior, are you okay?"

The old man was even more moved at once: "I'm fine, girl, are you seriously injured? Come on, take this pill quickly."

Yun Chujiu shook his head: "Such a good pill is too wasteful to use on me! I'm fine, just two days of raising it.

It's just a pity that this horseman's errand may not be done, and there are no idlers here.

Alas, I originally wanted to come to the Ten Thousand Dharma Fair for a long time, but it seems I can only wait for the next time. "

The old man frowned, then said:

"It's not just that the helpers of the Great Dharma Fair can only be grooms, so you can go to my temple to take care of your injuries first, and then find some work for you."

Yun Chujiu first showed a pleasant surprise, and then refused:

"Senior, I take your thoughts, but forget it. After all, you are only a guest. I am afraid that some people will gossip and will damage your reputation."

Yun Chujiu was such a radical general, the old man was not determined at first, but now he is determined to transfer Yun Chujiu over.

"You little girl don't think about these or not, even if I am just a guest, no one would dare not give me the face if I call a helper!"

Yun Chujiu said in a panic: "Senior, I, I didn't mean that, I just didn't want to trouble you.

What's more, I came with my two older brothers. If I were transferred to you alone, they would definitely not worry, and I would not worry about them either. "

The old man happily: "I thought it was such a big deal. If you can't bear them up, just transfer to me together.

After a while, I arrived at the main entrance. It is estimated that someone who can handle the affairs will be there to greet them. "

When Yun Chujiu heard it, he was so happy to bloom!

Unexpectedly, things went so smoothly. With this great backing, I forgive that Master Hu Ruo didn't dare to let go.

When she gets to the palace, she has to work harder, and she might have an unexpected gain.

When Yun Chujiu was happy, he saw that the guard's expression was a little stiff, and he said that 80% of this eldest brother did not expect her to have such good luck, so he was silly.

At this time, the people in the two cars behind arrived.

In fact, the three cars were not far away, but didn't Yun Chujiu sang a small tune before, scared the white hoof Teng Yunniu of the two cars behind him with fear.

My goodness!

Why is that stinky girl going crazy? !

Why did Niu sing a little song? !

Isn’t there a word for playing the piano against the cow? ! They these cows don't understand these things at all, okay? !

No, you have to go slower, or let them sing in a chorus? !

As a result, the white hoof Teng Yunniu of the two carts deliberately slowed down, and moved a long way away from Yun Chujiu's cart.

When Yun Chujiu's car wheel was struck by lightning, the white-hoofed Teng Yun Niu dared not move forward.

So the people who followed the old man abandoned the car wheel and ran over.

Chi Jidong and Song Lian'er also followed, wanting to take the opportunity to show their courtesy.

When they arrived, they happened to hear the last few words of the old man.

For a moment, a look of optimism flashed in his eyes.

Yun Chujiu's attention is now focused on the old man, not paying attention to them, so he missed this scene.

The people brought by the old man did not care about a small driver, but asked the old man about his situation with concern.

There are two more chapters, updated at ten.

(End of this chapter)

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