Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9655: The rat is paying a New Year greeting to the cat

Chapter 9655 The mouse gave the cat a New Year greeting

The one who led the way was the first-class maid named Yuling of Zhongxiao Hall, who walked and introduced the situation.

The layout of the east area is basically the same as the north area where Yun Chujiu and the others went before.

After arriving at the Chongxiao Hall, Yun Chujiu found that it was much larger than the Chilie Hall they had visited before.

She thought about it, too, because Elder Mei brought a lot of people, so naturally she had to live in a larger place.

Long ago, other maids had prepared wash items to serve Elder Mei and those accompanying them.

Yu Ling couldn't guess Elder Mei's mind for a while, so she tentatively asked: "Elder Mei, what are the arrangements for the three helpers you transferred?"

Seeing Yun Chujiu's face pale, Elder Mei said, "The little girl has injuries on her body. Let her rest for two days.

As for the other two, just find some rough work for them to do. "

When Yuling saw Elder Mei's words, it didn't seem to have a hidden meaning, so he arranged some rough work for Chi Wu and Fei Yi.

The two of them don't have the intention to work at all, just want to ask Yun Chujiu what he thinks?

However, it was not easy to defy, and finally got to Yun Chujiu's room after finishing the work.

Although Yun Chujiu is a helper, because Elder Mei considered that she was injured, she made an exception and let her live in a room by herself.

After the two entered the house, Fei Yi stood near the door and guarded. Chi Wu squatted beside Yun Chujiu's bed, lowered his voice and asked:

"Sister, what do you think? Do you find it exciting?"

Yun Chujiu had been waiting for Bai Claws to scratch his heart. Hearing him say this, he asked hurriedly, "Second brother, why are you asking like that? Where is the problem?"

Chi Wu simply wanted to cry without tears: "Little sister, do you know which sect that Elder Mei belongs to?"

Yun Chujiu's face was blank: "I don't know! But I see those people respect him, they must be the big guys! Otherwise, I won't make him think."

Chi Wu took a deep breath, and squeezed a few words from his teeth: "He is one of the eight guardians of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

That's it!

The rat is paying a New Year's greetings to the cat!

She abducted the Jinpeng from the sect of the other family and caused a catastrophe. Now she has come here to work as a helper for the family. Isn't this a rush to seek abuse? !

Thinking of her great fame, this is all ruined!

She was too eager to get things done, otherwise she would not make such a mistake.

Wait, that's not right!

"Second brother, you said he belongs to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect? Then why didn't they wear the Ten Thousand Beast Sect costume? I didn't see the mark of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect on their clothes?" Yun Chujiu asked.

She had carefully observed the costume of the disciple of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect on the flying boat at that time, and it was completely different from the clothes worn by Elder Mei.

Even if the costumes are divided into ranks, somehow they have to have sect marks, right?

Chi Wu sighed: "Little girl, you don't know that Ten Thousand Beast Sect is divided into eight peaks, and the costumes and markings of each peak are different.

The person on the flying boat belongs to Wufeng, while the elder Mei belongs to Lufeng. Their clothing and markings are naturally different. "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

The people of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect are really full!

How good is it to make uniform clothing and markings? !

Don’t you be afraid that your family doesn’t know your family? !

Chi Wu said with a frustrated expression: "I knew you didn't see their identity. I always wanted to remind you but didn't find a chance.

This is over, we jumped into the fire pit by ourselves, maybe that elder Mei is going to challenge us! "

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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