Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 967: Do not understand how to respect the old and love the young

Chapter 967 does not understand how to respect the old and love the young

Yin Sulian heard the words of Yunchu, saying that she was suspicious in her heart. When she saw Yin Xuecheng’s guilty look, she hated half-death, **** it! She actually was made a knife by him!

However, this early cloud is really abhorrent. Today, we must teach her lessons. As long as she does not kill her, the lady of the house will not take her.

Yin Sulian thought of this and said with anger: "The beginning of the cloud, you don't need to be arrogant here. You hurt my cousin and must apologize to him."

"Hey, you are really stupid, I am so interested in you, you still don't know repentance, it's really stupid and incorrigible." Yun began to hide from the wind and smiled.

"Our fight, I have been hiding, I have not moved you a finger, this is going to spread out, will you say that you Yin Shulian is bullying? Will you praise me for being open-minded? Forced, even did not pay back? The longevity and Yin family's behavior is really different!"

The people who eat melons understand that why the cloud has not been able to fight back, it is for the reputation of the Changsheng Temple. Such a comparison of the Yin family is indeed too arrogant, there is no such thing as a family, just like a nouveau riche.

Yin Sulian heard the opinions of the people. Her eyes were red. She had never eaten such a loss since she was a child. Today, she must have killed this cloud.

Yin Sulian saw that the spiritual attack could not hurt the beginning of the cloud. A bite of teeth evoked a sword from the storage ring, and everyone suddenly exclaimed.

"This is the Yintian's Haotian Leijian. It is said that it can emit a light like Tianlei. The power is amazing. This is the treasure of the Yin family!"

"No wonder that this Miss Yin Er is most favored by the Yin family. Now, I saw it so much, and even gave the sword to Miss Yin Er."

"The little girl who is opposite this is going to die! The power of this thunderstorm is amazing. Although she is good, she can't hide."


At this point, I heard a broken drink: "Miss Yin Er, keep the sword under the sword!"

Yin Sulian looked up and saw that she was rushing over in the cabinet, and she was uneasy. The heart said that in the event of this cloud, I was afraid that he could not get away with it, so I decided to come and see.

I happened to meet Shi Xuan in the middle. I heard Shi Xuanyi said that after the incident, the heart of the shopkeeper was a sinking heart. My heart said, Xiao Zu Zong, you can really get into trouble! How can you name such a big scorpion?

When the shopkeeper arrived, he saw Yin Sulian calling out the scorpion Lei Jian, scared his face pale, and quickly quit, and went to the middle of Yunchu and Yin Sulian, wanting to stop Yin Sulian.

Yin Sulian saw that she was a shopkeeper. She was already stunned by anger at this time. She said with a cold face: "I have already given you a face in the day before. This time, it has nothing to do with you, go away, otherwise Hugh, I turned my face and didn't recognize people."

There was a slight disappointment in the heart of the shopkeeper. Although he was only a treasurer, he was the confidant of the lady of the temple. He was counted in the Changsheng Temple. He was so reprimanded by Yin Sulian that the old face could not be hanged.

The eyes of the cloud turned and turned, and said with anger: "Yin Sulian! Do you know what it means to respect the old and love the old? The shopkeeper is the old man of our longevity hall, that is, those who are in the dark guards have to be polite. You, what are you talking about, talking to the shopkeeper? Apologize to the shopkeeper, or I can't spare you."

(End of this chapter)

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