Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9671: Manufacturable material

Chapter 9671 can be made material

The Master Yan of the Taichu Sect said with a smile but not a smile:

"Brother Tantai, your Ten Thousand Beast Sect is accustomed to making these new things, and I have to say that this is a wonderful thing to use first!"

Sect Master Tantai of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is of course clear in his heart that it is not a desire to promote or suppress. It is estimated that after a business trip, which disciple made up for it.

It is estimated that Qidong, who is in charge of the Wan Beast Banner, did it. I didn't expect this young man to be quite clever and can be called a manufacturable!

Of course, he thought so in his heart, naturally he wouldn't say so.

He smiled: "It's just a trickery that made Yan Sect Master laugh! Our Ten Thousand Beast Sect has no other skills, and we can play with these birds and beasts."

Yan Sect Master smiled: "Brother Tantai does not have to be modest, the strength of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect is obvious to all.

Of course, spirit beasts have limited intelligence after all. I heard that a swift-winged Jinpeng from your Ten Thousand Beast Sect was in trouble a few days ago, and you will have to strengthen it in the future! "

The Yin head of the Qingwu School also smiled and said: "Isn't it, it is always limited with the help of foreign objects, but it is safer to focus on the cultivation of spiritual consciousness.

Brother Tantai, what do you think? "

Sect Master Tantai is very familiar with this kind of scene. Because Wan Beast Sect monopolizes the business of air transportation, other sects will inevitably be jealous.

He said with haha, "The two of them are justified. Our Ten Thousand Beast Sect has a long way to go if we want to develop and grow. I would like to ask you two for your kind attention in the future."

Seeing that Sect Master Tantai was like this, Master Yan and Head Yin turned to other topics.

"Every year at the opening ceremony, a young generation of Tianjiao will perform on stage. I heard that three young people from Danmeng will be arranged this year.

He was already a Wuding Pharmacist at a young age, and he had also opened thirty magical orifices. It was really not easy. No wonder the leader was holding it like a treasure.

It is a pity that although we also have outstanding young people in the early school, it is a pity that apart from the cultivation base, there is no other skill. Unlike the three others who are also Wuding pharmacists except for the cultivation base. "Yan Sect Master said sourly.

Head Yin agreed: "Isn't it?! The leader of the League is scheming, he has been hiding in the past a few years, and only recently let the news come out. This is deliberately caught us by surprise, wanting to win the top spot!"


Sect Master Tantai listened to the side, and occasionally echoed a few words, so happy that they turned their attention to the Dan League.

After all, there are no absolute allies or absolute enemies between these big forces, but they are all interests.

When they were talking, the leader of the Dan League Gan was also greeting others, occasionally casting his eyes on the high platform.

In a while, the three geniuses of their Dan League will be on stage to perform. If it weren't for their Dan League's turn this year, he would really hate to let these three geniuses appear.

Being too good is sometimes not a good thing, because it is easy to be targeted. He doesn't want the three young people to die before they grow up.

At this time, the colorful fan-feather skylarks hovering in the air had already flown towards the east of Luofengping.

Yun Chujiu finally let out a sigh. Just now, she also came up with a way to save the field and threatened those colorful fan-feather skylarks to follow her command.

Fortunately, those colorful fan-feather skylarks also knew the consequences were serious, so they cooperated.

As for the banner, she wrote it naturally, the original writing was not good, and the time was urgent, and the writing was crooked.

However, in any case, it was fooled.

She helped Ten Thousand Beast Sect to save the field this time, and it is estimated that they are also embarrassed to pursue their previous grievances.

But why did those colorful fan-feather skylarks suddenly convulse?

Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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