Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9676: This person is very suspicious

Chapter 9676 This person is very suspicious

Yun Chujiu felt like a beeping dog in her heart. She couldn't think of it even in her dreams, and she could see the trouble when she watched the excitement.

Knowing this, she didn't want to come to the opening ceremony by any means.

Now it's alright, she suddenly appeared on the stage in full view, how to explain?

Is there really a teleportation array where she stood just now?

At this time, Hall Master Xia finally came to his senses, looked at Yun Chujiu a few times, and asked: "Who are you? Why did you suddenly appear on the stage?"

Yun Chujiu felt it was better to tell the truth, so he said truthfully:

"In response to Hall Master Xia, my name is Mei You, and I am an assistant in the Palace of Chongxiao.

Sent by the elder of Wan Beast Zongmei, assisted Qidong and others to fly the colorful fan feather skylark.

After the ceremony, I stood there watching the excitement, wanting to have a long experience.

I didn't know why I ran to the stage in a daze. Is there a teleportation array where I stood just now? "

Hall Master Xia almost subconsciously said: "Nonsense! Who would be okay to build a teleportation array there?! You definitely didn't tell the truth, what is going on?"

"Palace Master Xia, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, I can swear to God.

If I'm telling lies, let my soul fly and die! "Yun Chujiu said vowedly.

At this time, Shu Yao, who stood by, said, "If there is a teleportation array, then you can wear it back to the original place. This is more credible than any proof."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

She didn't know how she came here, how did she go through?

However, I have to try anyway.

So, she urged the chaos and jumped back and forth, but unfortunately, after tossing for a long time, she still stood on the stage well.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Yun Chujiu said dryly: "Um, I guess I accidentally touched some restriction just now before it was sent to the stage.

I'm at a loss now, so I can't wear it back.

Or I will try again where I just stood? "

Shu Yao sneered: "I think you are lying. There is no teleportation array at all. You must have used some other method.

Hall Master Xia, I think this person is very suspicious.

Initially posing as the three of us, after the incident was revealed, we deceived the trust of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect to help fly the Colorful Cloud Wing Skylark, and then made some tricks in it.

If it weren't for her making hands and feet, why would the colorful cloud-winged skylarks in other directions change, but her position is safe?

She definitely wanted to take this opportunity to sensationalize and achieve her ulterior motive.

Now I am on the stage with the same thoughts, nothing more than showing up, and then taking advantage of the situation. "

Murongheng and Dugumu also echoed: "Junior Sister Shu Yao made sense. This Mei You and her two comrades are both unpredictable and should be investigated thoroughly!

By the way, the abnormality of the ring of fire control just now may have been caused by her! "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Are your brains sick? !

How else can you make up for such a big show?

Originally, she thought it was a bit unnatural to come up and eat the fire elder before refining the soul, but now it seems that they should eat their fire elder!

Is it because these three people are upset about what they pretended to be? So take this opportunity to retaliate against her?

Or is it that they lost face in alchemy just now, so they deliberately dumped the pot to her?

Well, originally the pot was also hers.

Hall Master Xia listened to the words of Shu Yao's trio, and watched Yun Chujiu's eyes become worse.

The main reason is that Yun Chujiu's way of appearing is too weird, and there is also a previous conviction, it is difficult not to doubt.

There is a temporary emergency, so I can only update one chapter today, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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