Chapter 9688 has been mutated?

Although Yun Chujiu hasn't figured out where these dung **** came from, one thing is certain, these dung balls... are very valuable.

The reason for this judgment is that the dog's tail grass behaves like a neurosis!

On the one hand, he showed that he wanted Yun Chujiu to collect those dung balls, but on the other hand he was disgusted.

Yun Chujiu understood after thinking about it. It is estimated that this dung ball is a good thing, but the dog's tail grass still has a bottom line, and I feel that eating this thing is a little unacceptable.

That's why Yun Chujiu rushed to put those three dung **** into the storage ring. This is all money!

She wasn't sure if someone would take the stage to challenge again, or whether the dung ball would fall from the sky, but she hoped that it would happen to be...

Finally, someone could not restrain the greed in their hearts and took the stage.

Yun Chujiu saw that he was still an old acquaintance, it was Chi Jidong from Qianfeng Sect.

Chi Jidong had always held a grudge against Yun Chujiu's trio, thinking that they had deliberately concealed their identity to play with him.

Originally, I saw Yun Chujiu and the others were taken away by Elder Mei. I thought they would be tortured by the training. Who would have thought that they would not only be okay, but also come to attend the opening ceremony.

Now that there is such a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, I will not let it go.

After he took the stage, he first met with Hall Master Xia and Shu Yao, and then coldly hummed Yun Chujiu:

"Mei You, don't be too proud. The victory you just won was completely out of dog, shit, and luck. It wasn't a real skill at all.

I don't believe you can always have such good luck. Come on, let's have a try. "

Yun Chujiu glanced at him, and then said to Hall Master Xia: "Since we are about to start a new round of competition, can the unrelated people step down?

It's not my villain's heart to save the abdomen of a gentleman. I am worried that someone will attack me when I try. "

The three Shu Yao's faces were gloomy, they were just the unrelated people in Yun Chujiu's mouth.

The winner of the Star Sharp Award, who was originally a glorious winner, has now become a poor worm who was ousted from the stage.

The three of them glanced at Yun Chujiu with bad eyes, and then stepped down.

Hall Master Xia originally wanted to step down and let League Master Gan see what was wrong with the dung ball, but there was a competition on the stage and he could only stay temporarily, indicating that the two could start the competition.

Chi Jidong felt that he had a great chance of winning. Du Gumu and the others were just bad luck. It wasn't that Mei You had any abilities.

Therefore, his tone was full of arrogance:

"Mei You, let's not do those fancy things either. If you have any ability, you can do whatever you want. Whoever admits defeat will end, how about?"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Okay, let's get started!"

Chi Jidong was about to externalize his divine consciousness. He didn't have the skills of the Dugumu three. What the divine consciousness externalized was just the rudiment of a dagger, and it was still fading and unstable.

Yun Chujiu felt that he didn't even look at him, so he was embarrassed to come on stage to win the star prize?

Well, compared to her ignorant waste wood, this is pretty good.

She is not afraid of being defeated. Anyway, she is not afraid of attacks from the consciousness. What is the main method to defeat him?

It would be nice if she had a dung ball to help her at this time.

When she was thinking, Chi Jidong...kneeled before her.

Not far from him, a dung ball bounced a few times and stopped moving.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Could it be that her crow's mouth skills mutated?

It used to be able to attract sky thunder, but now it has been changed to... dung ball?

(End of this chapter)

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