Chapter 9696 kicks off

Yun Chujiu wondered: "Why is it easier to be selected in the courtyard?"

Qibei looked around and said, "I heard Elder Mei said that if the Hongmeng Sacred Stone is selected, it will fall by someone.

The yard is unobstructed, and the chance of being selected is definitely higher than in the house. "

"Ah, that's how it is!

Unexpectedly, participating in the Hongmeng Challenge is quite strenuous. Is it because Hongmeng's first prize is very generous? "Yun Chujiu curiously said.

Qi Bei glanced at Yun Chujiu like a fool: "Of course it is very rich! But this is not the main reason.

It is a great honor and opportunity to obtain the qualification to enter the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain at the same time as the qualification of Hongmeng Challenge!

The sacred mountain of Hongmeng is covered with dense fog all year round and can only be entered on certain days, which is why the Hongmeng Festival is held here. "

Yun Chujiu still wanted to ask about Hongmeng Sacred Mountain in detail, but Qibei hurriedly said:

"You just came out, help us to stare, don't Hongmeng sacred stone fell, we don't know yet!"

After Yun Chujiu nodded and agreed, he curiously said: "Yes, after talking for a long time, what does the Hongmeng Sacred Stone look like? Isn't it the sparkling one?"

Qibei Yile: "You are the same as I thought before. I originally thought that the Hongmeng Sacred Stone was that kind of shining gem, but I found out that it was a big mistake.

The sacred stone of Hongmeng is a small gray stone, if you don't pay attention, it will definitely be regarded as an ordinary small stone.

That’s why I asked you to clean up the yard yesterday, lest the stones in the yard be confused with the Hongmeng Sacred Stone. "

Yun Chujiu suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart. She said dryly: "Brother Qibei, you said the Hongmeng Sacred Stone is a small, gray stone?"

"Yeah, what? Did you see it?"

Yun Chujiu's head shook like a rattle: "I haven't seen it! With three of you such excellent seniors, how can a small waste like me be in the Hongmeng Sacred Stone Courtyard?!"

"Can't say that, you are still the winner of this year's Star Sharp Award!"

Although Qi Bei said so, in fact, she felt like everyone else thought that Yun Chujiu's Xing Rui Award was just a blind cat with a dead mouse, and she had no real skills at all.

Yun Chujiu smiled bitterly: "I know how important my star award is.

Three brothers, are you busy! I'll go there for a stroll! "

Qibei's three people were all on the Hongmeng Sacred Stone. Hearing her say this, they waved their hands to make her feel free.

Yun Chujiu's complexion was as usual, but a sentence flashed in his mind repeatedly: I kicked the Hongmeng sacred stone!

Kick away!



Are the stones kicking? That's an opportunity!

I just kicked it. Where did it go?

She had to run back to the door again, repeat the action just now, and then start searching in the possible direction.

Unfortunately, after looking for it for a while, I didn't see the small gray stone.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help cursing himself in his heart: I owe your feet! Wake you up! It's all right now, and abruptly kicked a good opportunity!

She had to get close to Qibei again and said with concern: "Three brothers, have you received the Hongmeng Sacred Stone?"

Qibei said dejectedly, "No, it's probably out of play.

Elder Mei said that the eight Hongmeng Sacred Stones will be distributed before noon, and now only half an hour is left. "

Yun Chujiu could not help but think of the classic lines:

There used to be a sacred stone of Hongmeng placed in front of me. I did not cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is nothing more than this. If God gives me another chance, I will definitely not... Kick it!

(End of this chapter)

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