Chapter 9711 results are void

When Yun Chujiu was slandering the master of Xiatang, the fish mark moved.

She said to her heart, why did a fish bait again?

She didn't bother to take the pole anyway, anyway, she must have entered the second stage of the competition, she didn't bother to work hard.

As a result, this guy showed a look of disgust, although he held a fishing rod in his hand, he didn't mean to lift it at all.

Shu Yao beside Yun Chujiu: "..."

She was so angry that she was half dead.

She is now anxious to get a bait, this **** Mei You is too lazy to lift a pole!

She became emotional, and the fish that had just caught the hook ran away again.

She didn't care about maintaining her high-cold image, and gave Yun Chujiu a fierce look.

Yun Chujiu shrugged his shoulders, bared his little white teeth, and said silently: I like to see you hate me and can't kill me.

At this moment, a huge force came from the fishing rod.

Yun Chujiu was caught off guard. Although she immediately let go of the fishing rod, because she was standing only a few feet away from the gap in the dark river, she stepped on the air and fell directly into the dark. Inside the river.

With a puff, water splashed everywhere, and Yun Chujiu's figure disappeared into the dark river.

No one had expected such a change to happen, and Chi Wu even maintained the posture of reaching out to pull, but it was too late.

He hurried to the place where Yun Chujiu fell into the water. Although Yun Chujiu could not be seen anymore, he still pulled the fishing rod vertically down: "Little sister, little sister, catch it!"

Fei Yi and Qi Dong also ran over to do the same.

Fei Yi also anxiously asked for help from Hall Master Xia: "Hall Master Xia, please help!"

Hall Master Xia furrowed his brows. Although he wanted Yun Chujiu's bad things to be dead, he still had to do superficial articles.

"Oh, it's not that the old man is standing by. It is really the mysterious and treacherous river. Whether it is aquatic beasts or humans, once they fall into it, there will be no return, and the old man is also powerless.

You... Let's change your sorrow! "

Fei Yi's face was sullen, but he knew that it was useless to say more.

It's not that he never thought about jumping to save people, but he is not good at water, and what's more, Hall Master Xia is actually right. This dark river is mysterious and tricky, and even those who are good at water jump in and seek their own death.

He jumped down and had nothing to do with his life, but now he can only hope that his little sister will live a great life and a miracle will happen.

They are in turmoil here, but Shu Yao, Dugumu and others are in a good mood.

That! Deserve it!

The troublemaker finally got retribution!

I ran out of good luck before, so I'm out of luck now.

She was definitely dead and couldn't die anymore, just as Hall Master Xia said, whether it is aquatic spirit beast or a monk, as long as they fall into the dark river, they will die or not, even the corpse capital will not be left.

The crowd onlookers were also talking about it. In a word, Mei You was dead, and it was the worst kind, with no bones left.

The big guys on the ring were in a mixed mood. They originally wanted to find out if Mei You had any secrets after the Great Dharma Fair, but they didn't expect to die like this.

At this moment, Hall Master Xia said: "It's time for the first phase of the competition!"

He glanced at Qi Dong and the others: "Because the rebound team lost a member, the results were invalidated."

The three Qidongs were immediately furious. Due to the identity of Hall Master Xia, Qidong tried his best to restrain the inner anger and said:

"Hall Master Xia, I remember that there was no such rule in the previously announced rules."

Continue tomorrow, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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