Chapter 9719 The Delicate Balance

Hall Master Xia frowned: "What's the matter?"

Yun Chujiu said sternly: "I ask again, any method is really fine? There are really no restrictions?"

Hall Master Xia was a little flustered for some reason, but then he thought about her too high, what earth-shattering means can only a little girl use?

So he nodded and said: "Yes, any method is fine, there are no restrictions."

Seeing that Yun Chujiu had no problems, he announced the start of the competition.

Shu Yao and the others have already done a good job of division of labor, each is in charge of one person, Shu Yao is dealing with Yun Chujiu.

Yun Chujiu curled his lips: "Ugly, it's too late for you to admit defeat, or you will cry for a while!"

Shu Yao almost thought she was hearing a hallucination!

This Mei You is ashamed to say she is ugly?

Doesn't she usually look in the mirror? !

"Mei You, I have no time to play tricks with you!"

She said urging the bitter flower to pounce towards Yunchujiu.

While avoiding, Yun Chujiu took out the identity jade card of Ten Thousand Beast Sect to Qi Dong Chuan Yin: "Brother Qidong, get the identity jade card, I have something to tell you."

Qi Dongxin said, are you sick? If you have something to say, why bother?

But he still injected his divine sense into the identity jade medallion, and heard Yun Chujiu's voice inside:

"Brother Qidong, release all the colorful fan-feather skylarks from the Ten Thousand Beast Banner, and help us!"

Qidong's face is dull, is this okay?

Although the colorful fan-feather skylark has a weak attack power, it can't hold up a large number!

If this is released, even pressure can crush Shu Yao and the others!

Seeing him startled, Yun Chujiu shouted, "What are you doing in a daze?! Don't do what I said!"

Qi Dong gritted his teeth, anyway, Hall Master Xia said just now that any method is acceptable, and this is not a violation.

So, I took out the Ten Thousand Beast Banner and released all the colorful fan-feather skylarks inside.

It can be lively now!

There are tens of thousands of colorful fan-feather skylarks in the Wan Beast Banner, and they have been trapped inside the Wan Beast Banner. This one was released like a wild horse that had run out, and rushed towards Shu Yao and the others.

Unlike the opening ceremony, which can fly into the air, these colorful fan-feather skylarks can only be about one foot off the ground at this time.

In fact, Yun Chujiu was still very confused about the fact that the colorful fan-feathered skylark could fly into the air at the opening ceremony. Didn’t it mean that flying near Hongmeng Holy Mountain was forbidden?

Why can the colorful fan-feather skylark fly?

Finally, I got the answer from Qibei. Only the colorful skylark can fly into the air on the opening ceremony, and can only be about one foot off the ground on weekdays.

It is said that this is a rule handed down by the ancestors, and it must have been granted by the Hongmeng Holy Mountain.

Calculating carefully, Hongmeng Sacred Mountain still has compromises, such as the Hongmeng Sacred Stone, for example, acquiescing in them to hold a Hongmeng event here once every five years.

And as long as they don't take the initiative to enter the deep valley or dark river, the monsters inside will not come out to attack people.

In a word, the two sides are in a delicate balance.

Seeing tens of thousands of colorful fan-feather skylarks, Shu Yao's group was shocked!

They even dreamed of such a situation, although the colorful fan-feather skylark had very low attack power, but there were too many!

They protested immediately, but their voices were instantly drowned in the deafening birdsong.

The Thunder team didn't even have time to use the poison, so they screamed and fell off the ring, with a lot of...guano on their bodies.

Tomorrow night continue, yeah.

(End of this chapter)

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