Chapter 9746

At first, Chi Wu and the others thought Yun Chujiu was joking, but they didn't expect her to come true.

Fei Yi immediately objected: "Sister, you just said that people like Shu Yao should have discovered that there is a problem with the spring water you gave them, and now I want to kill you.

Didn't you go out and throw yourself into the net now? !

I admit that you do have the ability, but you said that Shi Paixiu was abducted, which is somewhat impractical.

Also, you don't have a stake for this fruit seedling. Even if you have enough spring water and beads, it will be futile. You should just stay here.

Even if they hit the door, we can help.

Furthermore, the old voice said clearly that no one is allowed to damage the planting stakes and the fruit seedlings. Even if they find here, they can't do anything to us. "

Chi Wu and Qi Dong were also persuading each other, but Yun Chujiu still insisted on going out.

Finally, he simply said: "I am the captain, you all have to listen to me! Keep your guard at home, and remember to water my Qiao Guo Miao on time and put the beads, and wait for me to come back."

After speaking, he left.

Chi Wu gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said to Fei Yi: "My second brother is really not a little majestic in front of the younger sister. One day I have to let her know what an elder brother is like a father!"

Fei Yi glanced at him: "First, I am the eldest brother. Second, do you know how to write the word majesty?"

Chi Wu: "..."

On the other side, Yun Chujiu hummed a little song and hurried.

She wondered in her heart that the three-headed stone brave yesterday had no stock, and she was cheated once by her. I'm afraid it's not easy to get the bait, so I have to change the place.

So, she rushed to another gathering place of Shi Pixiu.

Originally, she was worried about meeting Shu Yao or Qi Wenhao and others, but she didn't know why they hadn't been suspicious of those fake springs yet, and she didn't meet them.

She smoothly came to a gathering place for Shi Pixiu, and heard screams from a distance.

She quickened her pace, and soon saw two Shi Paixiu, which were bigger than the three she had seen before.

She wondered, and didn't see anyone, where did the scream come from?

When she was wondering, she saw that there seemed to be something on the two Shi Paixiu's mouths, and when she looked closely, it

She listened carefully, and the screams came from Pai Yao's mouth and stomach.

Damn it, is this swallowing everyone?

She thought these stone braves were pretty, but she didn't expect them to be really cannibalistic!

But since it can still be called, it is probably not dead yet.

When she was thinking about it, Shi Paixiu on the right burped, and seemed to...

"There's another weak chicken here. Fortunately for you, I am a little panic eating now. As long as you can give me a reason to let you go, I will let you go."

Yun Chujiu: "I don't taste good, ya."

Shi Paixiu: "..."

It was stunned for a while, and then laughed loudly: "You little weak chicken is a bit interesting, all right, then I will let you go, go!"

After Yun Chujiu thanked him, he turned and left.

As he walked, he whispered to himself: "Say it or not? Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway, don't say it."

"You stop! What are you talking about?" Shi Paixiu roared on the right.

Yun Chujiu shivered and turned around: "It's nothing, I didn't say anything."

(End of this chapter)

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