Chapter 9776 Violation

The dog's tail grass also sneered at Yun Chujiu's behavior, saying:

I also taught him a lesson before, saying that Qiao Guomiao is low in spirit, and after saying that Qiao Guomiao results, he will have to burp, so that he should not marry a child bride.

As a result, she has now contracted a Qiaoguo seedling. Isn't this the double standard of Chi Guoguo? !

Hmph, it's useless to contract, because the intelligence is too low and there is no way to communicate, and a drop of blood is wasted.

Yun Chujiu had been trying to get in touch with Qiao Guomiao's consciousness while the dog's tail was slandering.

However, to her disappointment, even though she tried several times, she still received no response.

If it weren't for Yun Chujiu to perceive an extra divine connection, he would think that the contract had failed.

When she was frowning, Sandan kept croaking from the side:

"How? Is there no response? I said that this thing is too low-spirited. You are purely idle."

"You might as well get a few more fruit seeds if you have this skill. I'll spit out a lot of beads for you."


Yun Chujiu was upset by its babbling and kicked it: "Shut up!"

The three eggs quacked silently.

It was very angry in his heart. If this little chicken used to kick it, he would not even dare to speak loudly, or it would kill her.

Good now, Huluo Pingyang was deceived by a dog and even dared to kick it.

At this time, Chi Wu came over and asked, "Little girl, I suddenly remembered a very important question."

"what is the problem?"

"What you discovered, that is, the imprint of God's consciousness in the Aoguo, should I tell others?"

Yun Chujiu smiled:

"Second brother, don't you know who I am?! How can a kind-hearted person like me not tell them?!

Don't talk about other people, even Shu Yao and others I have to tell. "

Chi Wu: What kind of virtue are you yourself, don't you know it in your heart? !

"What if they don't believe it?"

"All I can do is tell them the truth, and believe it or not."

Qi Bei said to the side: "There is a shadow in the Qiao Guo Miao, they should believe it."

Yun Chujiu smiled:

"That's not necessarily true. That old voice will definitely give out the reasons for the cover. In addition, Shu Yao and the others are prejudiced against me. Maybe they were kind enough to be donkey liver and lungs in the first place, and they also accused me of delaying them to open their minds."

Qi Bei's face was blank: "Then it's not good for you to work hard?! What are you drawing?"

Yun Chujiu sighed, "I don't want to plan anything, only in peace."

Chi Wu was drinking water, and he spouted a mouthful of water.

My little sister, if this is your true opinion, I will give you your last name!

Although Qibei didn't understand Yun Chujiu's nature, he knew that this was not a fuel-efficient lamp after looting and spring water.

So when I heard Yun Chujiu say this, I felt very...violating.

This is like a tiger saying that he is a vegetarian. Who believes it? !

Whether he believes it or not, Yun Chujiu continues to communicate with Qiao Guomiao with his spiritual knowledge.

Unfortunately, there is still no response.

"Little fairy, I think these things are all bad things, so you can't be rude to them!

If you are polite to them, they will push their noses to their faces, not knowing how many pounds they are!

I have the most say on this point. If you talk to me well, I feel uncomfortable.

You scold me and kick my feet, and I feel comfortable! "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Do you think everyone is the same as you? !

At this time, the dog's tail in the pubic area shook its leaves repeatedly, indicating that Er Gouzi was right.

(End of this chapter)

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