Chapter 9778 Xiaoqiaoer

Qiao Guomiao said weakly when he heard Yun Chujiu's words:

"Master, you are right, I just wiped out the vague black shadow with my spiritual sense.

I just sprouted, my spiritual consciousness is still very weak, and it was a fluke to be able to obliterate the dark shadow.

So although it was erased, my consciousness was also damaged. "

Yun Chujiu nodded: "You were a seed before, so what is your mother body? Where is it?"

"I didn't produce or regained my spiritual wisdom until after germination, so I don't remember."

Before Yun Chujiu could speak, Er Gouzi sneered:

"Can you make a draft before you lie?

After you sprout, you have wisdom? How did you choose when choosing people before? "

Qiao Guomiao grievedly said:

"Because there is that dark shadow in my divine sense, it must be a ghost.

Master, is it your spiritual pet that speaks?

It doesn't seem to like me very much. Did I do something wrong? "

Er Gouzi was almost blown up by the tone of the little white lotus Qiao Guomiao!

However, it felt that Little Fairy was ice and smart, and he would definitely not be deceived by Xiao Bailian, and would call the shots for him.

However, the next moment, it heard Yun Chujiu's extremely displeased saying:

"Er Gouzi, I just told you to shut up, why don't you have a long memory?

If you talk nonsense, stop eating meat this month! "

Er Gouzi couldn't believe his ears, and the little fairy was eccentric to that little seedling again and again, and now he looked very faint!

But it thought again, the little fairy might not have turned the corner for a while, and she would figure it out after a while.

At this moment, it heard Qiao Guomiao say softly and weakly:

"Master, it's not Ergouzi's fault, but I didn't make it clear.

If you want to blame, blame me, don't blame Ergouzi brother. "

Ergouzi completely exploded!

"You don't come to this set! On the surface, you pretend to plead for me, but in fact it is to make the little fairy feel that you are tolerant and generous, and I have a small belly, and then punish me more severely!

You can't fool the little fairy with such a trick that you can't get on the table.

Little fairy, am I right? "

Er Gouzi hopefully thought that Yun Chujiu would stand on his side this time, but then heard Yun Chujiu coldly said:

"Er Gouzi, I think you are pretty good on weekdays, but I didn't expect you to be so small.

Xiao Qiao'er has no grievances with you, why are you aiming at it everywhere?

I'm so disappointed in you! "

Ergouzi almost cried!

Not only did the little fairy not help it, he even named Xiao Bailian!

Little fairy, you have changed! You will lose me like this!

It hated Qiao Guomiao so much that it couldn't beat it, and couldn't scold it. It was almost suffocated.

The other stupid guys all touched their noses when they saw Er Gouzi, although they didn't even dare to speak again before seeing Qiao Guomiao.

Qiao Guomiao said somewhat at a loss:

"Master, don't blame Brother Ergouzi. If I get along for a long time in the future, his misunderstanding of me will naturally disappear."

At the same time it said this, Ergouzi's spiritual consciousness received the emotion of Qiao Guomiao's demonstration.

Ergouzi was so angry that he almost became a dead dog!

Thinking that Ergouzi had always been the red dog in front of the little fairy, and she was so smart and bald, it was the first time she had suffered such a dumb loss.

It's not too late for a good dog to get revenge for ten years, you bastard, wait for me!

When it was gritting its teeth, it heard Qiao Guomiao's conversation turn around, and said with joy:

"Master, Xiaoqiao, is that the name you gave me?

(End of this chapter)

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