Chapter 978 Dream Beast

There was a scorching smell and screams in the cave. The first rays of the cloud, through the lightning, saw that the six giant chains were locked with a black-haired monster. The cloud first took out the night pearl. After the light, I found out that it was a monster with a very fierce appearance. It had four eyes and was a snake-like mullion.

The monster screamed and laughed: "It turned out to be a little doll of the thundering roots. I have never met Tianlingen for so many years. I didn't expect to take it to the door today! I am afraid to look at Tianlingen and ordinary people. what is the difference!"

"You can talk about people? What the **** are you?" asked the early eyes of the cloud.

"You are the thing! I am not a thing!" the monster roared.

"Good! Good! You are not a thing, your whole family is not something!" said the cloud at the beginning of the smile, then smashed into the front of Fengming, one foot, and took them out of the hole.

After the monster discovered the behavior of the cloud, the four eyes showed a sullen look: "Little girl, you are useless in this little smart. Do you know what Laozi is?"

"what are you?"

"I am a dream beast, the three people have entered the dream of Laozi weaving, they will only have one ending, that is, death, hehe!" The dream beast sent out a strange smile.

"Dream beast? Dream, then I woke up, they won't have it?" Yun began to have a naive and romantic expression.

"Cut! If it is so easy to wake up, I will not call the dream beast!" The dream beast proudly said.

There was a glimmer of sorrow in the eyes of the clouds: "In fact, wake them up with a best way to kill them. If you die, they will naturally wake up."

"Ha ha ha! Hahaha!" The dream beast keeps laughing, as if he heard something funny: "Little girl, you are stupid enough! I was born out of human greed, I am Don't die, or do you think they just trapped me here, but don't kill me? Because they can't kill me!"

"Can't you kill you? Then why do I use the thunder to yell at you, you will scream?" Yunchu thinks that this dream beast must be nonsense, there is something in the world that can't die.

"Oh! I can't die, but the perception is still there. The thunder and the sun are just right, it can definitely cause some harm to me, but it is only the sensory damage, it will not hurt my life."

At the beginning of the cloud, I said that this dream beast is stupid enough. I asked what I answered. Where did she know that the dream beast was trapped here for tens of thousands of years? It’s hard to come to talk, naturally to brag, and it I think that the beginning of the cloud must not escape the palm of his hand, so I am too lazy to beware of her.

At the beginning of the cloud, I turned my eyes: "Dream beast, you let us go, I will send you a hundred monsters, you can take turns to make them dream."

The dreamy beast disdainfully grinned: "What does the monster mean?! Besides eating is mating! Only tossing talent is interesting, people's dreams are colorful, so interesting!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I said that you are very interesting, but those who are tossed by you will exhaust your knowledge and die!

"If you don't let them go, I will use the Thunder to you, although I won't die, but I will let you live and suffer!" At the beginning of the cloud, the hand was facing the nightmare, which was a few purple lightnings.

(End of this chapter)

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