Chapter 9788 is cute

The silver wolf nodded: "I'm worried about the little fairy, I really have this change because of the advancement."

Yun Chujiu felt that Er Gouzi's tone was a bit awkward, but he thought about it, Er Gouzi had just advanced, and it is estimated that there are surprises now, and it is normal for the tone to be different for a while.

So he smiled and said: "Your cultivation has been stagnant for a long time, and it is a great thing to be able to advance.

By the way, why did you suddenly advance? "

The silver giant said in a light tone: "The world is nothing but ups and downs. The little fairy spoiled me too much before. I only realized the sweetness, and naturally I couldn't break through.

After being small, I felt anger, disappointment, and pain. Under the mood swings, the barrier of mood naturally no longer exists.

Once the heart barrier is removed, advancement is a matter of course. "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Her first reaction was that Ergouzi was taken away!

Because these words came out of Ergouzi's mouth, it's too unreasonable!

However, Ergouzi has always been under her nose, how could she be taken away?

Don't say Yun Chujiu is now, even Xiao Qiao'er feels something is wrong.

That dead dog is a rascal, how could he say such a level? !

Yun Chujiu's face suddenly turned gloomy, his eyes fixed on the silver giant wolf: "Who are you? Where is Ergouzi?"

The silver wolf shivered: "Little fairy, of course I am me.

However, the name Ergouzi is really indecent. First of all, the word Er is a bit redundant, and the word dog is too tacky..."

Yun Chujiu thought it was too tacky to say the word "dog", and now it is a silver giant wolf, it will be changed to a wolf, but the next moment he heard the silver giant wolf say:

"A dog is a dog, if you call me a dog in the future."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Dog you stupid!

I don't have a dog son like you!

However, she breathed a sigh of relief, still so...Second, it seems that Ergouzi is still the stupid dog, and has not been taken away.

I just don't know which string was wrong, and I tried to pretend to be gentle, but it turned out to be four different.

She glared at the silver giant wolf: "Er Gouzi, you can speak to me, or else stop eating meat this month!"

As soon as she finished her voice, she saw the majestic silver wolf sticking out her tongue, looking cute and stupid:

"Little fairy, don't I want to establish a new image?!

How? Is what I just said very cultural? "

Yun Chujiu was angry and funny, and when he was about to speak, he heard Er Gouzi scream again.

Her heart sank. Before she had time to do anything, she saw that the silver giant wolf in front of her was gone, and replaced by a puppie, a completely bald one.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Er Gouzi looked down at his paw, then raised his paw to touch his dog's head, and then cried out.

"Obviously I have advanced, obviously I have changed, why have I changed back again?!"

"I just got used to my new image. I didn't even get warm, but I changed back. I was so miserable!"


Yun Chujiu comforted him when he saw it crying sadly. However, after comforting him for a while, Er Gouzi howled even more severely, beating his stomach and then starting to roll all over the floor.

Yun Chujiu was not a good temper in the first place. Seeing that it was endless, he kicked it: "Shut up!"

Er Gouzi was as quiet as a chicken, looking at Yun Chujiu pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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