Chapter 9813 can't afford to wait

Xiao Qiao'er said in a complicated tone: "Each person can only cultivate one orifice fruit seedling, so if you really want to eat orifice fruit, you can only wait for my results."

Before Yun Chujiu could speak, Er Gouzi whimpered and said:

"Little fairy, because I have no credit or hard work, I beg you, don't eat my little boy."

Yun Chujiu: "..."

Xiao Qiao'er was in a bad mood, and she became angry when she heard Ergouzi talk nonsense!

"Er Gouzi, if you talk nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Er Gouzi looked innocent and blank: "Sister Xiaoqiaoer, what did I say wrong?"

Xiao Qiao'er was so angry that her voice trembled, and she was too lazy to talk nonsense with it, and said coldly: "In short, you are you and I am me. If you talk nonsense again in the future, don't blame me for being polite!"

The dog's tail grass in the pubic area makes the leaves tremble with joy. Deserve it! Call you cheap!

It seems that being unable to speak is good!

Yun Chujiu coughed twice: "Xiao Qiaoer, you said that if the opening of the divine orifice is due to the dark shadow, if the divine consciousness is separated, what will happen to the divine orifice that opened? Will it not be closed again?"

Xiao Qiao'er calmed down for a while, and then said: "I don't know this, after all, I haven't seen an instance."

Yun Chujiu frowned: "Maybe after the separation of the divine consciousness, not only will the newly opened divine orifice be closed, but the original divine orifice will also suffer.

Therefore, the big guys have thrown the mouse away, so far no words have come out.

If this is the case, things can be troublesome. "

Yun Chujiu wanted to tell Chiwu and the others about this speculation. But Chiwu and the others were afraid that the Qiao Guo would fail if the time limit expires, so they have already eaten it all.

Yun Chujiu sighed: "Oh!"

Xiao Qiao'er comforted: "This is just your guess, and it may not be so serious. Maybe after dividing the divine consciousness, it will not affect the divine orifice."

Yun Chujiu sighed again: "I'm not worried about this. I regret it. I knew that things would be troublesome. I should just care about the hurricane team asking for more money. I don't know if it's too late to let them add more money after going out?"

Xiaoqiaoer: "..."

At this time, Chi Wu and the others had finished eating the Ao Guo.

When Yun Chujiu was about to ask about any changes, the voices of Chi Wu suddenly disappeared.

Yun Chujiu was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Qiao'er then realized something afterwards: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, every time they finish taking the Ao Guo, they will be directly sent out.

This is not under my control, it should be the formation set by the people behind the shadows. "

Yun Chujiu: "...So you mean, only those with dark shadows in the divine consciousness can go out? I can't get out?"

Xiaoqiaoer is weak and weak: "It is estimated, maybe, probably, 80% of it is like this."

She wanted to get some clues from Xiao Qiaoer, but she didn't know if she asked.

Yun Chujiu knew that blaming Xiaoqiao'er would not help, so why not think of a solution.

She hurriedly asked Black Zhuzi to find the eye, as long as she found the eye and destroyed it, she would naturally be able to go out.

Hei Zhuzi came out for a full circle, then told Yun Chujiu a very unfortunate news, but did not find the eye.

In other words, the person who placed the formation set the formation eye elsewhere, and it was impossible to break the formation here.

Of course, if you are willing to spend time and slowly search for the barrier, you might be able to get out.

But in that case, the time is too long!

It may be one month, two months, or even a year or a half.

Yun Chujiu, can't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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