Chapter 9817 is in a dream?

"Wait! We have notified Situ Hui to them just now, and it is estimated that they will be there soon.

Until then, we had better not act rashly. "The Qingwu faction said.

The people of the early sect agreed: "Yes, it's better not to act rashly if the situation is unknown now, so as not to interfere with the judgment of Situ Hui."

Dan Meng's face was a little ugly, he knew why the two men stopped him, it was nothing but fear that he would do anything.

It is really a villain's heart to save the abdomen of a gentleman, he just wants to probe whether this woman is dead or alive.

Since you have to wait, wait. The person on the left and right should be dead. It doesn't matter if you look at it.

The three of them stared at Yun Chujiu and each other on the stone platform, for fear that each other would make any small movements.

After half an hour, there were chaotic footsteps, and I knew that many people had come.

When he got closer, Yun Chujiu saw the opportunity to see all the bigwigs headed by Situ Huizhu.

It's no wonder that in the forbidden area, the sacred stone of Hongmeng used to be transmitted in the past, but this time it was said that a woman had arrived. Naturally such a rare thing would have to be seen.

Maybe this woman is related to the Hongmeng Holy Mountain, and she might know a lot of secrets.

Everyone walked in a hurry, and when they got closer, the master Yan of the Taichu Gate exclaimed: "Why do I look at this little girl named Mei You?

No wonder I didn't see her in Yamaguchi just now, so I dared to come here! "

Others take a closer look, don’t they? !

When counting the number of people in Yamaguchi before, I found that there was one missing person, this Mei You, because the people who were teleported out had their memories in Hongmeng Sacred Mountain erased, so there was no idea why Mei You was not teleported.

Unexpectedly, it appeared here.

Someone said: "Could it be that something went wrong during the transfer process. It should have been transferred to Yamaguchi, but was transferred here?"

This view has been recognized by many people, but it is possible. After all, the Hongmeng Sacred Stone also came out of the Hongmeng Sacred Mountain.

But why is there a difference? Could it be that this Mei You made some moths?

It's not bad for them to think so, it's that the things that happened to her before were too bizarre, what dung ball attacked, what fell into the dark river, in short, the frequency of strange things happened too high.

At this time, Lord Situ Hui stepped forward and put his hand on Yun Chujiu's wrist and said: "There is no pulse anymore, I guess she..."

He was about to say that the man was dead, and before he could finish speaking, Yun Chujiu's fingers moved.

Situ Hui frowned. He clearly lost his pulse a moment ago. Why did he suddenly have it again?

But this is not too strange, some people will experience temporary suspended animation.

He changed his mouth and said: "It is estimated that she was in a state of suspended animation just now, and now she has a pulse, but the pulse is very weak, and it is temporarily impossible to see what caused it."

He said that he took out a pill and stuffed it into Yun Chujiu's mouth. This pill is an emergency, and it can have some effect no matter what the reason is.

Sure enough, after taking the pill, Yun Chujiu's eyelids moved lightly, and then slowly opened.

Her eyes were a little loose, until she heard Situ Huizhu calling her, then she turned her head slightly.

She showed incredulous eyes, and then closed her eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and said weakly: "I, am I in a dream?"

(End of this chapter)

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