Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 982: Injured one thousand self-damaged eight hundred

Chapter 982 hurts one thousand and loses eight hundred

Yin Sulian is the 18th group. She thought that they must have won the first place. Because her group has the lowest spiritual power, the other three are the six layers of Lingzong. This is for all candidates. Among them, it should be the strongest team.

But what she never imagined was that there was a group in front of their group, and it was the waste group!

This is impossible! The four wastes entered the forbidden area, and they should have died long ago. How come not only did they die, but they also reached the front of them? This is impossible!

At this time, they were also sent out at the beginning of the cloud.

Yin Sulian suddenly came to the front of the cloud: "The beginning of the cloud, you cheated!"

Yin Sulian’s words suddenly caused a burst of gaze, and his eyes were aligned here.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw Yin Sulian, and chuckled out: "Cheat? Don't know why you said this? Are you questioning the fairness of Tianyuan College's assessment? If you think I am cheating, even if I ask the tutor to report it. Don't get in the way of me!"

"You! You wait! I will go to the mentor to report! You must be cheating, how can you be more than the purple grass we collected, this is impossible!" Yin Sulian said angrily.

"Oh! It turned out that we are more than you, so you think we are cheating? Is it only you can get the first? Is it embarrassing, I don't know there are such rules, you said, I will I have taken less, after all, your Yin family is so big, I am so afraid of offending you!" Yun said with exaggeration.

Yin Sulian’s face turned red: “The beginning of the cloud, you are nonsense! How can the waste from your four Qingxuan continents pick up so many purple brocades? You must use the unspeakable means!”

"Yin Sulian, words can not be said indiscriminately, if you have evidence, if you just yell at me, so don't talk nonsense, so filthy others is really ugly!" Yunchu said with a sneer.

"You! You four are obviously forced into the forbidden land by us. How can you still pick so many purple brocades?" Yin Sulin was directly told the truth by the words of the beginning of the cloud.

The faces of the three people in the same group suddenly became pale. This idiot, although Tianyuan College did not explicitly prohibit the candidates from robbing, but it was always a bad behavior, and knew that it was forbidden, and forced people into the forbidden area. Isn't this a pleasure? !

Yin Sulian also regretted it after she finished speaking, but there is no room for remorse after the words have been exported. Although we are wrong, the four people who entered the forbidden place were more guilty of crimes, and they could prove that they were not correct.

"Yin Sulian, is it true that you said? Four people entered the forbidden place at the beginning of the cloud?" The instructor in charge of the test came over.

"Yes, I saw that the four of them entered the forbidden area, the mentor, their purple grass must come to the wrong way!" Yin Sulian said angrily.

Yin Xinlian, who just rushed over, heard Yin Sulian say so, the brain of the gas is hurt, this idiot! There are a hundred ways to kill this cloud. You have used the most stupid way to kill one hundred thousand and lose 800. It is really stupid and hopeless.

Yin Xinlian regretted that she didn't come over earlier. She heard that Emperor Beibei had come over and carefully dressed up, so she came late for a while. I didn't expect Yin Sulian to be hurt for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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