Chapter 9831 What do I do?

Everyone looked back at the key, wanting to see who would get it.

Seeing it flew past row after row of handymen, and went straight to the back.

Everyone said, could it be that Mei You was running again?

Under everyone's attention, the key fell towards Yun Chujiu's spread hands.

Everyone could not help but gritted their teeth, it turned out to be her again!

As soon as they had this idea, they saw Yun Chujiu stretch out a hand next to him, and cut the key to...

The key struggled a little bit reluctantly, but with a black hand clenched tightly, finally gave up the struggle and stopped moving.

Everyone: "..."

Damn it!

There is such a show operation? !

Haven't they always been close brothers and sisters? Why are you still fighting? !

Tsk tsk, it seems there is no sibling relationship at all, it's just using each other.

If they knew this, they would grab it too!

However, they just think about it. If they are annoyed by the treasure of the mountain, let alone the treasure house, they will have to finish their lives.

Shaking Tianding was also stunned by Chi Wu's show operation!

It didn't react for a while.

The Yueming fan next to him said, "It's okay, I still have a spare key for that stinky girl."

So Yueming Fan issued a key and flew towards Yun Chujiu again.

Yun Chujiu winked at Fei Yi and motioned to him to grab this time.

Although Fei Yi felt that this was a bit risky, it was already like this when he thought about it, and it was not bad.

As a result, his heart was crossed, and when the key was near, he snatched it into his hand.

Moonlight Fan: "..."

It sneered: "Sure enough, people gather in groups and things are divided into groups. It's not a good thing to mix with that little girl!

Well, since the two of them want to die together, let them be perfect!

Ten Thousand Beasts, you send another one to the smelly girl, this time it is stated that if you dare to snatch, kill without mercy! "

Wan Beast Pu agreed and issued a key.

Different from the previous two times, when it was posted this time, Shaking Tianding threatened: "This key is for that stinky girl. If anyone dares to grab it, I will make him ashes!"

When everyone heard it, their thoughts were gone.

They couldn't help but slander, are these few treasures of the mountain sick? !

That Mei You played with them several times, and even gave her the key to the treasure house. Isn't this sick? !

There are those who are thinking a lot and feel that things are not so simple. I am afraid that the key and the key are not the same, and the three of Mei You may suffer.

Fei Yi also thought of this and reminded Yun Chujiu in a low voice.

Yun Chujiu blinked his eyes: "Don't worry about those, go ahead and talk about it."

Situ Hui led the twenty-three people who had obtained the keys to stand in a row and said: "After entering the treasure house, you can choose your favorite treasures by yourself, or you can wait until those treasures automatically choose the owner.

Generally speaking, the grade of the baby who automatically chooses the master will be higher, and it fits better with your spiritual consciousness, so try to choose the baby who chooses the master automatically.

You will be sent out as soon as the time limit for the opening of the treasury expires.

In addition, each person can only choose one. Don't be greedy, otherwise the key will fail and you will be trapped inside.

Don't think that there is no life worry if you are trapped inside. Once the time limit for opening the treasury is reached, people will turn into blood and completely die. "

When Situ Hui said this, his eyes fell on Yun Chujiu as if there was nothing.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help rolling his eyes, what did he look at me? ! Am I the greedy person? !

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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