Chapter 985 Is your neck sick?

Yin Xinlian couldn't believe her ears. Next to Bailiyan grinned and said: "Sister Yin, you can't stand some strange smells, you still stand back later, if you smoked it, You can't afford the consequences."

Yin Xinlian's face turned red, she couldn't find a seam to sneak in, hate the one-hundred hundred miles of Yan Yan, and then barely squeezed a smile to the emperor said: "Respect, then I will give the party to the shopkeeper Please, please say hello to my wife, Madame."

The emperor’s faint whispered, it was a response.

Bailiyan saw Qin Mingzhu and Yin Xinlian both hit the wall. Her heart was very proud. It seems that the person who respects the Chinese is necessarily her!

"Northern brother, are you coming to see me?" Bailiyan asked with a sly head.

The first moment of the cloud, the bite of the teeth, shameless! shameless! Is your sister called Beibei? ! Still holding your head? Are you particularly sick? ! Nothing, what a head is like a tree neck!

The emperor wrinkled his frown: "We are not so familiar, I don't have a sister! Also, is there a problem with your neck?"

Bailiyan was forced!

In the past, although there were some turtles on this statue, it was just a silent voice. How is it so poisonous today? It’s just too hurtful!

However, she saw the face of Emperor Beibei's handsome, thinking about the spiritual level of the emperor's metamorphosis, and then thinking about the transcendental status of the Changsheng Temple, and suddenly the dissatisfaction in his heart turned into love.

The people who eat melons and see the three scorpions have been smashed a roast chicken, and they can't help guessing that the emperor is not looking for them. Maybe they are visiting the dean and the tutor of the college. Although they are cold, but for Tianyuan. The dean and tutor of the college are still very respectable.

When everyone was guessing this way, they saw shouting in the coldness of the crowd: "Not yet?"

Everyone looked at each other inexplicably, who is it called?

Three hearts in the heart, do you regret regretting me? Three involuntarily went a few steps forward, and the emperor wrinkled his frown: "Beyond me!"

Sancha’s heart has just hit the wall, but fortunately, the three people will be shameful together, and they won’t win or lose!

The emperor's face is sinking: "The beginning of the cloud! Don't hurry up? Do you want me to ask you not to?"

Everyone’s gaze was aimed at the beginning of the cloud, especially for some women. The gaze was like a sword. The cloud suddenly screamed in the heart, and the white face was small, although you just performed very well, but you Call me this way, isn't this making me a live target? Can you have a long brain? !

Although the heart of the cloud was so vomiting in the heart, it did not dare to delay. The fart was ran out of the crowd and tried to find a way.

"See Zun Shang!" The beginning of the cloud, the rules and regulations of the three people of Qin Mingzhu gave a gift.

Emperor Beibei picked up his eyebrows and said impatiently: "My mother asked me to marry you, do a good job of cultivation, don't make troubles, if there is someone who bullies you, even if you find the shopkeeper to solve it. Also, your tuition fee is also found in the shopkeeper. That is! The deity has something to do, but it’s a hassle to tell you by the way, it’s really trouble!”

At the beginning of the cloud, I realized the intention of Emperor Beibei. It turned out to be for myself. I just didn’t know if it would be counterproductive! The woman’s jealousy is terrible!

After the emperor’s remarks, he turned his body and flew away!

Eighth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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