Chapter 9853 Robber

Master Situ Hui asked several people from Tantai Sect Master: "Which one of your sects belong to these two spirit weapons?"

Sect Master Tantai and the others all shook their heads, and there are records of the spiritual weapons in the treasure house, but they have not seen these two.

Situ Huizhu couldn't help frowning, how could it not be?

Could it be that he accidentally abducted the baby when he put it in the treasure house?

It is possible that it is because the rank is not high, so it is broken like this.

So, Situ Huizhu considered his remarks:

"Well, although there is no record of this umbrella and this rake, there are still some incompleteness, but since they were taken out from the treasure house, there must be something extraordinary.

Mei You, this is also your chance, I hope you can do it for yourself in the future. "

Everyone present knows that Situ Huizhu is an excuse. What is extraordinary is that no one wants to sell it when it is broken.

Next, the Lord Situ Hui said something, announcing the smooth end of the return of all laws.

However, everyone did not leave immediately, and they had to wait for the big guys to leave before leaving.

Leader Gan and others walked up to the four treasures of the mountain, prepared to put them in a special storage ring, and then left.

Unexpectedly, Shaking Tianding spoke.

"Little Ganzi, I see that little girl is very pleasing to the eye, after returning to the Dan League, you let her serve me."

Leader Gan: "..."

Little Ganzi?

Is this calling him?

However, this is not the point. Who is the little girl it is talking about? Could it be Shu Yao's girl?

Leader Gan thought of this, and he was immediately happy.

Shaking the Heavenly Cauldron as the pioneering treasure of the Pill League is not just as simple as a spiritual weapon, part of the heritage of the Pill League lies in it.

If you get its blue eyes, it will be of great benefit to both Shu Yao and Dan League.

At this time, the leader of Gan said to Shu Yao: "Shu Yao girl, I just came to thank you for your help!"

Shu Yao tried her best to control her joy, but her face still showed excitement and joy.

Sure enough, she is the real pride of heaven, and that Mei You is not worthy to lift her shoes!

She walked two steps to the front of Shaking Tianding, and when she was about to salute, she heard Shaking Tianding said impatiently:

"Are you a bad ear or a bad brain? Who said that this idiot served me?!

I'm talking about that, the little girl who flew the kite before. "

Shu Yao couldn't believe her ears. What Shaking Tianding said was Mei You?

How is this possible? !

She is Dan Meng's disciple, so Shaking Tianding abandoned her and chose Mei You's trash?

Leader Gan was also surprised: "You, are you talking about Mei You?"

"I don't know what her name is. Anyway, it's the little girl standing at the far north. I think she is the most pleasing to the eye.

Hurry up, don't talk nonsense, take her back when you return to the Dan League, if you dare not listen, hum! "Shaking Tianding threatened.

League Master Gan really couldn't understand why Shaking Tianding did this, but he dared not refuse to agree. Just when he was about to agree, Yueming Fan spoke.

"What's the point of Dan League being smoky?! Mei You, right? Let me go to Qingwu School to play.

Xiao Yin, take her with you in a while, otherwise, hum! "

Before the head Yin could react, the Shoushenshi hurriedly said, "When I don't exist, right?! If you want to go, you have to go to Taichumen!

Xiaoyan, if you do this thing well, I can't treat you badly. "

Wan Beast Pu sneered: "You all get rid of your thoughts as soon as possible! Didn't you see that the little girl is carrying the identity of our Wan Beast Sect?!

She can't go anywhere except Ten Thousand Beast Sect! "

(End of this chapter)

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