Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 9855: My name is Huan Cong

Chapter 9855 I am Huan Cong

As soon as Shu Yao woke up, she heard the words of Leader Gan, and she sneered in her heart.

Mei You, it's finally your unlucky time!

As an elite disciple of the Dan League, she knows more secrets than others, knows the origin of the Eight Great Hells, and knows how much the four treasures of the mountain hate the people in the Eight Great Hells.

Mei You Mei You, how proud you were just now, how desperate you are now!

Chi Wu and Fei Yi glanced at each other, they were really afraid of something!

The two of them don't worry about being tracked down, after all, their identities are perfect.

However, the identity of the younger sister couldn't help being checked at all, it seemed to be revealing.

Now I can only hope that the four treasures of the mountain will not be affected by this incident.

However, in the next moment, they heard Shaking Tianding said angrily: "What? Little girl, you escaped from the Eight Great Hells?"

Chi Wu and Fei Yi felt cold, it was over! It seems that the four treasures of the mountain are very unwelcome to the people of the eight evil prisons, and even hate them.

My little girl, my little girl, I'm afraid this time I will be over!

Yun Chujiu also heard the disgust and hatred in Tianding's tone. Although he didn't know the reason, it was definitely not a good choice to be honest.

She looked aggrieved and said: "My lord, I am not a person who escaped from the eight evil prisons."

Shu Yao sneered: "Of course you have to deny it, because if you confess it, it would be a capital crime!

My lord, you can't be merciful to people like her. I can't as well serve her bone-corruption pill to see if she can tell the truth! "

Leader Gan glanced at Shu Yao disapprovingly. There are things that can be done, but they can't be revealed.

The bone rot pill is too sinister, and it's not appropriate to say it so generously.

He turned his gaze to Yun Chujiu: "You said you were not the one who escaped from the Eight Great Evil Prison, why can't you find your household registration in the Buddha Prison?"

Yun Chujiu showed a tangled and hesitating color, when everyone was a little impatient, she sighed:

"I am not called Mei You, but I really didn't escape from the eight evil prisons.

To be precise, I should be from the Buddha Prison, but only half of it. "

Shu Yao pointed her throat: "What are you talking about?! What is a half?"

Yun Chujiu smiled bitterly: "I have nothing to hide now.

My name is Huan Cong, and my grandfather is Huan Huai Shan. "

All the big guys, including the leader of Gan, suddenly changed their expressions when they heard the three characters Huaishan.

The disciples of the Dan League also looked surprised, but the young people of other sects looked puzzled, obviously not knowing who Huanhuai Mountain was.

Hall Master Xia stared at Yun Chujiu: "You said you are the granddaughter of Huanhuai Mountain? I remember that he has only one granddaughter named Huan Jiang, who has been in the Buddha Prison. I never heard that he still has a granddaughter like you."

"Huan Jiang is my cousin. I was attacked by monsters on the way to escort. I was separated from them, so I was not escorted to the Buddha Prison.

I was rescued by my master at the time, because I was too young at the time, and I lost my memory with shock.

Master only informed me of my identity before he died. After he was buried, I sneaked into the Buddha Prison, trying to rescue my grandfather, cousin and cousin.

But after hiding my identity and contacting my cousin, I changed my mind.

My grandfather is crazy now, and my cousin and cousin have a low-level cultivation. Even if I rescued them from the Pagoda Prison, I couldn't put them in a good place, so I might as well find a chance to revenge.

It was also a coincidence that it gave me the opportunity to participate in the Great Dharma event. You will know the rest. "

Yun Chujiu said this, showing a decisive expression:

"Leader Gan, I know I have committed a crime of deception, and I am willing to receive punishment.

But my grandfather must have been wronged, so please re-check what happened in the past and return my grandfather's innocence! "

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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