Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 9860: Golden Feather Vulture

Chapter 9860 Golden Feather Vulture

Although Chi Wu didn't know what Yun Chujiu's idea was, he still cooperated tacitly:

"Sister, what you said makes sense, if Shaking Tianding is willing to help us, it will definitely be fine.

Mainly, can it help us? "

"I think Shaking Tianding is good at talking, and we should beg for it then, it should be no problem."

The two Dan League disciples watching outside: "..."

Shaking Tianding is easy to talk? you sure?

They heard the brave little girl inside say:

"After the closing ceremony is over, I will talk to the leader of Gan on this matter. His kind and kind old man will definitely not die."

Two Dan League disciples: "..."

The two of them were too lazy to slander, and they recorded what Yun Chujiu said.

Just after noon, someone came to inform Yun Chujiu that they were leaving.

Although the three of them are now prisoners, they didn't wear any chains or the like for them. The reason is simple. The people of Dan League didn't worry that the three of them would dare to escape.

With their three weak chickens, they couldn't escape the palm of Dan League.

After going out of the Ten Thousand Dharma Festival, Yun Chujiu found that some people were riding on the flying boats carried by the Ten Thousand Beast Sect Fast-winged Jinpeng, and some were riding their own spirit birds, but the ranks of the spirit birds were very different.

Therefore, when Shu Yao called out her Yueyu Cailuan, many of the birds present shivered and even couldn't take off.

Shu Yao once again found a sense of superiority, and then looked at the three Yun Chujiu who had been detained. The depression accumulated these days finally dissipated a little.

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes silently, isn't it just a bald chicken? ! What's so great!

However, at this moment, she was thinking of the fast-winged Jinpeng she had pitted, and she didn't know if it ended with a penalty for work?

Right and left are the spirit birds of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, and someone will definitely handle these follow-ups, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

The ordinary disciple of the Dan League boarded a fast-winged Jinpeng rented from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, and the three of Yun Chujiu boarded the spirit bird of the leader of Gan, because they were criminals.

The lord Gan’s spirit bird is a golden feathered vulture. Although its size is not as good as the fast-winged Jinpeng, its combat power is several blocks away.

Of course, its body size is still much larger than that of a normal spirit bird, and it's not a problem to carry dozens of people, but ordinary people are not qualified to ride.

Yun Chujiu thinks this golden feather vulture is very pleasing to the eye, there is only one reason, this thing is also bald, it looks very kind!

The Golden Feather Vulture looked very unpleasant to her. Although it was only a spiritual bird, it was a spiritual bird exclusive to the leader of Gan, and it could be said to be under one person and above 10,000.

In addition to the leader of Gan, the person who can ride it must be the fifth-grade pharmacist at the last time, and no matter how hard it is, he is also a direct disciple of the leader.

Now let three trash snacks ride on it, isn't this humiliating it? !

It does not dare to object to the decision of the leader of Gan, but it does not mean that it does not trouble the three weak chickens.

Leader Gan was the first to jump onto the back of Jinyu Vulture, followed by the seventh-tier pharmacist and the sixth-tier pharmacist, and then it was Yun Chujiu's turn.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi were used to putting Yun Chujiu first, so they let Yun Chujiu go first.

Yun Chujiu leaped gently with his toes.

Although her cultivation level is not good, there is no problem in trying to jump towards the golden feather vulture.

However, no one thought that the golden feather vulture suddenly flashed to the side, Yun Chujiu stepped on the air with this one, staggering two steps before standing still.

(End of this chapter)

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