Chapter 9865 Dan League

Leader Gan raised his eyebrows: "Let's listen."

"Leader, I originally planned to participate in the pharmacist assessment, but I heard that it needs to be done step by step and get the test.

I wonder if you can make an exception and let me directly participate in the assessment of Wuding Pharmacist?

If I have passed the assessment, others won't say anything if you let me enter Dingxu.

As for the pharmacist assessment, although there are rules and restrictions, it is much broader after all. What do you think? "

Before waiting for the leader of Gan to speak, Yao Shi Meng sneered:

"You too look down on yourself, and you directly participate in the Wuding Pharmacist examination? Just you? Not to mention the Wuding Pharmacist examination, you may not even pass the Wuding Pharmacist examination."

Yun Chujiu smiled faintly: "Is it okay, don't you know if you don't have to try?! The Wuding Pharmacist assessment can be carried out at any time, so why not let me try?!"

The leader of Gan was really moved by Yun Chujiu. Although the pharmacist's assessment stipulated that he had to progress step by step, as the leader of the Dan League, he had the privilege to allow people to skip the level to participate in the assessment.

"I can let you try. It is the best if you pass it. If it fails, then you can explain it to Shaking Tianding."

Yun Chujiu knew that Leader Gan was throwing the pot, hesitated for a moment, and still agreed.

Chi Wu whispered from the side: "Sister, we only have ten days. You are participating in the assessment and entering the Dingxu, plus the time on the road, it is not enough!"

Since it is acting, it is natural to take things as real acting. Chi Wu still has a very professional ethics.

Leader Gan also thought of this question before: "Yes, do you have a way to delay time?"

Yun Chujiu thought for a while and said, "The purpose of Qi Ling is to obtain three kinds of herbs.

Lord, otherwise, I will write a letter of the cause and effect, and ask my second brother to return the exquisite jasper sunflower that I found before to the mystery of the ancestor of the furnace. "

Yaoshi Meng sneered from the side: "You are not planning to let him escape by this pretext, are you?"

Yun Chujiu said silently: "Meng Yaoshi, my eldest brother and I are still in the Dan League, how could my second brother escape by himself?!

Besides, the Dan League is so powerful, where can he go? !

If you don’t worry about letting my second brother go, you can send someone else.

There is no need to enter the Mysterious Realm of the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Furnace, just throw the box in from the entrance. "

After the leaders of Gan and others discussed, they decided to send someone else.

Yun Chujiu didn't really want Chi Wu to go, the reason for saying so was nothing more than to enhance the authenticity.

She dictated that Fei Yi wrote a letter, and put the letter and Linglong Jasper Kwai into a box.

Leader Gan sent two Liuding pharmacists to **** this box, which shows that he attaches great importance to this matter.

Of course, Yun Chujiu felt that in addition to being afraid of the box leaking, the two people also wanted to see whether the secret realm of the ancestor of ten thousand furnaces was true or false.

She didn't worry about this. Although the broken jar was on her, the Qi Ling could control things over there and would not show his feet.

In the evening of the next day, everyone arrived at Dan League.

I have to say that Dan Meng is really handsome!

There were many people waiting at the gate of the mountain. Although they didn't go to the Ten Thousand Dharma Festival, the news was very well informed, so seeing Yun Chujiu three people coming down from the golden feather vulture did not show any surprises.

After some greetings, Yun Chujiu walked in with the leader of Gan and others.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help being slandered. Doesn't the big Dan League even have a spirit weapon or a spirit beast?

(End of this chapter)

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