Chapter 9872 Poison Pill

When the deadline was about to expire, Yun Chujiu tried to refine a medicinal pill, and then refined a pot of medicinal pill.

Other people's elixirs are also released one after another, just waiting for the final judgment result.

Chi Wu was up and down, it was not that he had no confidence in the pill that Yun Chujiu gave him, but that he was afraid of being judged cheating.

If this is the case, not only will he be punished, he will also hurt his elder brother and younger sister.

Fortunately, the voice soon announced the list of approved personnel, and Chi Wu was among them.

Although this round of assessment was difficult, all six people passed.

In fact, this is also normal. If you don't have any real talents, you will not dare to participate in the Wuding Pharmacist assessment.

The voice seemed to be very satisfied with everyone's performance, and the tone was much softer than before:

"You performed well, but this last level is much harder than the first two rounds. I hope you don't let me down."

Everyone was playing drums in their hearts. The round just now was difficult enough, and I don’t know what the third level assessment is?

"To become an excellent pharmacist, besides being proficient in pharmacology, there is another very important requirement, that is, xinxing.

The xinxing I'm talking about is not good or evil, I don't have the time to care about it.

The character I'm talking about is to be calm, don't be emotionally unstable because of a small matter, so that you can destroy a pot of medicine.

The assessment of the last level is very simple, immediately swallow the pill in front of you, and then I will talk about the specific content of the assessment. "

Following the voice, a floating pill appeared in front of everyone.

The pill is a little special, with a black shell on the surface, and no smell comes out.

Everyone did not dare to hesitate, and immediately swallowed the pill.

The voice continued: "What you swallowed just now is a poison, and everyone's is different.

All you have to do is to prepare an antidote before the poison dies.

I need to remind you that the poison is effective from the moment you swallow it.

If an antidote can be developed within two days, Wuding Pharmacist's assessment will be considered passed.

If you can't develop an antidote, you can only accept punishment. "

Everyone did not expect that the third round of assessment should have such content, which is not a bit more difficult than the second round.

First of all, the pill was disguised, and neither the smell nor the appearance was known.

Secondly, the poison pill has been effective now, and it will definitely become more and more serious with the passage of time, and there will be no way to concentrate on preparing the antidote.

Finally, and the most critical point, healers should not treat themselves.

If it is to detox others, it is to stay out of the matter, and naturally you can have a calm mind.

But if you detoxify yourself, you will inevitably be hesitant.

However, the problem has been given, and there is no way out except to exhaust all means to configure the antidote.

The only thing that can be relied on now is that the taste in the entrance of the pill is a symptom of body poisoning, and it is important to seize the time to prepare the antidote.

Chi Wu is almost crying!

Other tests, Fei Yi and Yun Chujiu, could still help him cheat. Now everyone swallows different poisons. They can't help if they want to help!

At this moment, he felt a little itchy on the back of his hand, and when he looked down, he almost fainted!

I saw a few small red bumps on the back of my hand, and when I rolled my sleeves, I started to have them on my arms.

He felt that if his body was covered with such small red bumps, he might have a nightmare soon!

(End of this chapter)

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