Chapter 9874 I know

Yun Chujiu said to the dog's tail grass with his spiritual sense: "If you open it to eat, can you eat all the herbs here?"

The dog's tail shivered with excitement, and hurriedly let the ball of yarn pass the word for it.

"Master, the dog's tail said that its stomach is a bottomless pit, not to mention this herb, it's okay to come again."

Yun Chujiu got the affirmative answer, got up and walked to the front of the medicine shelf.

She opened a drawer, picked up a handful of herbs, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Originally, she wanted to eat all the herbs in the drawer, but when she thought that other people might have to use this herb to prepare an antidote, she left a bit of it.

Next, she started sweeping rows of medicine racks, and no matter what kind of medicine was stuffed into her mouth, she fed the dog's tail grass.

When she was relieved, she heard some gossip.

"What is her belly made of? Is she trying to survive after eating so much?!"

"Who knows?! It is estimated that there is no way to configure an antidote, and the jar broke."


Yun Chujiu was suddenly startled, she was also confused!

A hundred poisons are not invading, you can use a baby to cover up, if you eat too much, you can't cover up.

In the last round of assessment, although she also ate a lot of herbs, she only ate the herbs she liked, so she didn't eat a lot.

She was determined not to take the herbs, and felt that she couldn't get up and down.

In the end, I was heartbroken and decided... shameless.

As a result, everyone watched with stunned Yun Chujiu taking the herbs on the medicine shelf into his storage ring.

The calmness of the posture and the naturalness of the attitude make people mistakenly believe that these herbs are hers.

Everyone thought she was crazy!

These herbs are all from Hun Tianding, she just blatantly took her own pockets, isn't she afraid of Hun Tianding's revenge?

If nothing else, this Wuding Pharmacist would definitely fail.

Besides, it is in Huntianding now, if Huntianding is annoyed, her life will be finished.

Really want money but not life!

Chi Wu hurried over to persuade, and a thousand words were combined into one sentence: "Little girl, think twice!"

Yun Chujiu only left the sentence "I know in my heart" and continued to sweep.

Chi Wu stood in place and pondered for a while, then turned his worries into expectations.

The little girl is so arrogant, there must be a way to deal with Hun Tianding, and he just happened to follow it.

Chi Wu now has a rash all over his back. Although the anti-itch ointment he has applied has some effects, it is still uncomfortable, let alone an antidote.

So, he licked his face and chased up again, winking at Yun Chujiu constantly.

Yun Chujiu let him make a small wound, she rubbed a little blood with her hand, put it under her nose and smelled it.

Of course, this is to let the dog's tail smell the grass.

The dog's tail grass is now satisfied, so I am very happy to give a solution to understand the medicine.

After Yun Chujiu tried a way to give Chiwu the pill, he suddenly realized a problem afterwards.

In the past, whether it was good to discriminate the elixir of the dog's tail grass, or to prepare the antidote, you had to take it yourself. How could you just smell it this time?


It must be the dog's tail grass to cheat to eat and drink!

The dog's tail grass didn't know that the catastrophe was imminent, and this guy was so comfortable that he wanted to hum.

It’s just that it’s curious, Huntianding will definitely not just leave it alone. What will the black-hearted little girl do next?

If it is not handled well, let alone the qualifications of Wuding Pharmacist, I am afraid it will be unlucky!

(End of this chapter)

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