Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 9876: Taking without notice is to steal

Chapter 9876 is to steal without telling

Yun Chujiu hooked his lips: "Who knows, maybe I will be held hostage to threaten me at that time, or I may want to send a favor, so I can just see the trick at that time."

When Yun Chujiu talked to Ergouzi with his spiritual sense, she did not delay her drawing herbs.

Left and right are for nothing, the more the better.

When the deadline came, only Fei Yi, Chi Wu and a person named Xu Heng successfully detoxified.

In addition, the two people who had been talking about Yun Chujiu's gossip failed to configure the antidote, and at this time they had fainted.

The voice said before: "Since I passed out, get out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two disappeared.

The voice continued: "Fei Yi, Chi Wu, and Xu Heng successfully refined the pill and passed the assessment.

As for the scallions..."

It paused before saying: "Although the scallion has not produced an antidote, since it is not poisoned, it means that she, um, is lucky.

Luck is also part of the strength, and it is barely passed. "

Although the voice sounded the same as before, it seemed vaguely gritted teeth.

Yun Chujiu couldn't help being funny, and it was difficult for him to find luck as an excuse.

However, this further confirmed her guess that there is definitely a plan to shake Tianding and let her enter the Dingxu.

At this time, the voice said: "Huan Cong, although you passed the examination, you have to return the herbs to me, otherwise, hum!"

Yun Chujiu nodded: "I didn't intend to actually take it. After all, taking it without telling it is for stealing. I can't do this kind of thing with no moral bottom line.

I took those herbs just now because I was afraid that you would not let me pass the assessment. Now that I have passed the assessment, I will return it to you. "

Yun Chujiu said, shaking the storage ring in his hand.

The voice immediately said with joy: "If you are interested, give it to me!"

Yun Chujiu frowned, "Don't blame me for being a gentleman. I'm afraid I will give you the ring and you will settle the bill.

Well, you teleport us out, and I will throw the ring in for you from the entrance. "

The voice hesitated: "You won't cheat, do you?"

Yun Chujiu suddenly showed a righteous expression:

"Am I the one who waits for treachery?! If my words don't count, let me regress my cultivation, from eleven divine orifices to ten divine orifices."

That voice believed her words, after all, no one would want his own cultivation level to go backwards, especially such things as the closure of the gods.

How does it know that someone doesn't know anything about it now, if it really becomes ten divine orifices, it might be crazy.

As a result, it sent everyone outside.

At the same time, the assessment results have been announced on the wall outside Huntianding, and Yun Chujiu is impressively listed. Of course, it says Huachou.

There were many people watching outside, and they were all talking about it at this time.

They never expected that Yun Chujiu's trio would actually pass the Wuding Pharmacist examination.

Didn’t it mean that the three of them came from the Buddha Prison? How is it possible to pass the assessment of Wuding Pharmacist?

Shu Yao wished to use a sword to pick out the names of Yun Chujiu's three people. It must be that Huan Cong used some shameful means, or she would not pass the assessment at all.

After Yun Chujiu's four were teleported out, Yun Chujiu really kept the promise and went to the entrance of Huntianding and threw a storage ring in.

Chi Wu couldn't help being surprised. Did the little girl suddenly change her temper? Can you vomit the benefits when you reach your mouth?

(End of this chapter)

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