Chapter 9901 Violation

Yun Chujiu took a piece of pastry and put it in his mouth. The outer layer was crispy and the inner layer was soft, which was quite delicious.

The dog's tail did not respond, indicating that it was not poisoned.

She couldn't guess Shu Yao's thoughts, and took out a pot of tea: "Sister Shu Yao, this is honey tea made with the honey of colorful winged bees, you can try it."


Chi Wu and Fei Yi, who were in the audience next to him, glanced at each other. They even dreamed that the two people who were incompatible with water and fire would become...good sisters?

How can this matter be abnormal?

However, until Shu Yao left, she didn't realize that she had any intentions, as if she had only come to reconcile Yun Chujiu.

"Little girl, you must be vigilant, that Shu Yao must be uneasy!" Chi Wuxu said babblingly.

Fei Yi also exhorted: "Yes, little girl, she must have a plan, you should be careful."

Yun Chujiu nodded: "Well, I see.

Do you think something is wrong with her? "

Chi Wu rolled his eyes and said, "Of course something is wrong! I wish I could kill you this morning, but now I am here to reconcile, and I must have no good heart."

Yun Chujiu shook his head: "I'm not talking about this.

Based on what I know about Shu Yao, she is not an ordinary pride, even if I want to cheat me, I won't do it like this, right? "

Chi Wu Yile: "Little girl, you are really clever and confused for a while, she naturally gets the money to cheat you, and she doesn't lose anything in acting."

Although Yun Chujiu didn't refute Chi Wu's remarks, he still felt that it was against him.

People like Shu Yao are different from them. She has always been the proud child of heaven. She is high above. Even if she is to calculate her, she should not be able to do this step.

Forget it, no matter what's going on with her, look at it, the fox will always show its tail.

To her surprise, Shu Yao was here for a few days.

If you don’t know, you really think that they are good sisters who have been together for many years.

Yun Chujiu couldn't see through her intentions, so he cooperated with her to act as a sister.

This day is the day when Dingxu is open.

Shu Yao came here early in the morning.

"Sister Shu Yao, the three of you are unfamiliar, I will take you there."

Yun Chujiu suddenly increased his vigilance in his heart. She played for so many days not to let them miss the opportunity to enter Dingxu, right?

"Sister Shu Yao, thank you for your kindness, but I have something to visit the leader of Gan, so I have to go to the leader of Gan first."

Shu Yao smiled and said, "Leader will be there in Dingxu in a while, so let's go directly."

Hearing what she said, Yun Chujiu felt more suspicious and insisted on going to see the leader of Gan first.

Shu Yao couldn't help her, so she had to agree.

Chi Wu kept winking at Yun Chujiu, that means, if you see it, you know she is uneasy and kind.

Yun Chujiu went outside the yard of the leader of Gan and ran into the leader of Gan.

Leader Gan couldn't help frowning: "Shu Yao girl, didn't I let you take them directly to Dingxu? How did you bring them here?"

Yun Chujiu was taken aback, Shu Yao was sent by the leader of Gan?

Didn't Gan Mengzhu not know that she had a rift with Shu Yao, and arranged for Shu Yao to do such an important thing?

Is it because their sisters have played so well these days?

Shu Yao said helplessly: "Leader, sister Huan Cong said that I have something to tell you, I have to bring them here."

The sense of violation in Yun Chujiu's heart came again, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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