Chapter 9903 Digging

Lord Gan said in a solemn voice: "Dingxu is only open for twelve hours, and you will be ejected once the time limit expires.

Therefore, you must hurry up after entering.

Keep in mind that the number of tripods you dig is a fixed number. Don’t expect to dig better next time.

If this mountain looks at that high mountain, it is likely to end up empty-handed. "

After the leader Gan said to Yun Chujiu's three people:

"The main goal of the three of you going down is to find the medicine garden, to find the red stamen giant petal lotus and the golden orifice reed.

No matter what Yun Chujiu thought in his heart, the three of Yun Chujiu agreed very simply.

Lord Gan and Lord Situ Hui joined forces to open Dingxu, and a few people from Yunchujiu entered in file.

Yun Chujiu was last in line, she turned to see Shu Yao before entering.

Seeing that Shu Yao's expression was a little hollow, she seemed to be thinking about something.

Yun Chujiu thought to himself, when it was so important, he was still distracted? Something is wrong!

Before she had time to think about it, the white light flashed before her eyes, and the scene in front of her was very different when she regained her sight.

The ground was full of fragments of the medicine pot, because some of the fragments had holes, and the wind blew through and made a sound similar to a human whimper, and some were seeping.

The three of Yun Chujiu were still looking around, while the others had dispersed and walked away.

Before entering, the leader of Gan said that there is a traction between the destined cauldron and the divine sense, so as long as the divine sense is released, it is enough to follow the feeling.

Chi Wu lowered his voice and said, "Sister, what shall we do next? Should I dig a tripod or find a medicine garden?"

Yun Chujiu squinted his eyes and said, "I suspect that Shaking Tianding is fooling us. There is no medicine garden in it at all, so I don't want to go back empty-handed, so let's dig it first!"

As for the words that the leader of Gan said, Quan Dang puff, she didn't take it to heart.

If you don't dig the tripod when you enter the Dingxu, isn't it lacking in mind? !

Although she is not short of the medicine pot, she can take it out...sell money!

Chi Wu was anxious to dig the tripod first, and hurriedly released his mind, and soon noticed that something was calling him from a distance.

Fei Yi's situation was similar, and he walked in the other direction.

Only Heixinjiu was left frowning and gritting her teeth. Although she couldn't attack by externalizing her consciousness, she could still do it.

But seeing that the divine consciousness was released for a long time, I didn't feel the feeling of being called by Chi Wu and Fei Yi.

Special, is it going to be for nothing?

Forget it, since there is no way to dig a tripod, let's find out if there is a medicine garden at the bottom!

Dingxu is so big that you can't see the boundary at a glance. If you are too tired to walk, let's get a ride.

She swept around in the spirit beast bag and released the three eggs.

The appearance of the three eggs is similar to that of a lion, even if a few other people see it, they won't doubt it.

The three eggs have been squeezed in the spirit beast bag since they were brought out, and now they have finally been released, extremely excited.

Even if the scenery of Dingxu is really monotonous, it feels very fresh.

The fragments of the medicine cauldron on the ground had sharp edges. If it were ordinary spirit beasts, they had to be scratched with their claws, but the three eggs were Shi Pixiu, who didn't care at all, and they ran fast.

Encountered two disciples on the way, they were digging a tripod.

Leader Gan had previously instructed that in order to show their sincerity, they can only use both hands or divine consciousness to dig the cauldron, so the two of them externalized divine consciousness into the shape of a shovel and were digging little by little.

Yun Chujiu thought to herself, this is purely tossing people, she doesn't believe in digging with a shovel, can Yaoding still run with long legs?

It doesn't matter if you run, just discount your legs.

(End of this chapter)

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