Chapter 9906 Ding Gai

Yun Chujiu took a look at it, and strictly speaking, it is not complete, because there are still some small gaps, but it looks much better than other fragments.

Yun Chujiu picked up the tripod cover and looked at it carefully, and found that it was engraved with primitive patterns. Although he didn't know what material it was made of, the grade was not low.

She thought to herself, this cover is so complete, why not try to refine it with God?

If there is something about it, maybe there will be surprises.

It is a pity that she thinks too much, but the refining is successful, but there is no magic.

She was about to erase her mark of spiritual consciousness when an unexpected scene happened.

She unexpectedly found a storage space in the tripod cover. Although it was small, only half a square square, it was enough to surprise people.

Although she had heard that Shu Yao and their medicine cauldron had a small storage space, she thought that the storage space would naturally disappear after the medicine cauldron was broken.

But now I found a storage space on this tripod cover. What does this mean?

It means that storage space may also be found on other fragments.

Finding storage space is not the purpose, there may be something in the key!

For example, there are two small porcelain bottles in the storage space of this tripod cover.

Yun Chujiu's spiritual consciousness moved, he took two small porcelain bottles in his hand and opened one of the corks.

As soon as the cork was opened, a strong medicinal fragrance radiated from it.

The dog's tail shivered with excitement, and kept showing her cuteness.

Seeing this, Yun Chujiu knew that the pill in this porcelain vase was definitely a good thing.

She opened another porcelain bottle. What surprised her was that it was not a pill, but a liquid, with a faint smell of grass.

The dog's tail shivered more severely, and Yun Chujiu was worried that it would shake its own leaves.

Yun Chujiu put the two porcelain bottles away, and then he signaled that the dog's tail would take over the control of the body.

"Dog's tail, what are the effects of pill and liquid?"

She directly asked what was the effect instead of asking if the dog's tail grass knew if he knew, lest the dog's tail grass pretended not to know.

Dog's Tail Cao said while shaking his arm, "Grandma, these are all good things. Not to mention the other ingredients are all things that I can only remember."

Yun Chujiu was taken aback: "Something that you only have in your memory? That is to say, something from the same era as you?"

Dogtail Cao shook his head and said, "I don't know if it's an era, anyway, this is the first time I met after I woke up."

Yun Chujiu's heart moved, could it be that the original owner of this medicine cauldron and the dog's tail grass were in the same era?

The origin of the dog's tail grass is a mystery, is it finally time to reach the answer?

She calmed her mind: "Then what is the effect of this medicine and liquid?"

"The pill can repair the damage of the spiritual sense, and the effect is very good.

The liquid is used to treat trauma, regardless of multiple traumas, as long as it is applied, it can regenerate bones and grow muscles, and it will recover instantly.

Grandma, the medicine is useful for you to keep, the liquid is useless for you, anyway, you still have me!

So, give me this liquid to drink, I can definitely grow several leaves. "Guowei Cao said cheeky.

Yun Chujiu rejected it mercilessly:

"Although I can't use it, but others can use it, you have to die!"

The dog's tail grass suddenly became slumped, and he secretly scolded Yun Chujiu for stinging.

However, it thought of one thing, and immediately supported it.

(End of this chapter)

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