Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 3 Chapter 9909: Xiao Jinyun is crazy

Chapter 9909 Xiao Jinyun is crazy

Yun Chujiu almost laughed out loud, the IQ of this thing is really worrying.

That said, it must have come with an eight-tooth rake and a broken umbrella, but I don't know if it was Shaking Tianding pretending to be or it was instigating it.

"Hey, this matter is not impossible to discuss. I can give you the broken umbrella and this rake, but the conditions have to be changed."

The voice was a bit of excitement: "Make any changes, what do you want to change? Is ten not enough?"

Yun Chujiu said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether those medicine cauldrons are available or not, you just need to give me Shaking Ding, and I will give you both the rake and the broken umbrella."

"Fuck your shit! You dare to covet Lao Tzu, you **** girl really doesn't know that the sky is high, you are looking for death!"

The voice that shook Tianding was shockingly loud, and he was probably so angry that he didn't care about the disguised voice.

Yun Chujiu smiled: "It turns out to be Lord Shaking Tianding, if I don't say that, you can't show up, right?!

There is no medicine garden here, right? Did you bring me here for the eight-tooth rake and broken umbrella?

I can give you these two things, but you have to talk about why you have to have these two things? "

Shaking Tianding said angrily: "Why should I tell you? Smelly girl, don't toast or eat fine wine. If you are obedient, just give it to me, otherwise I will lock you in this Dingxu."

Yun Chujiu tutted: "It turns out that you let me enter Dingxu for this purpose. I don't understand it. Are you so troublesome?!

Wouldn't you just order the leader Gan and they catch me? !

I suspect that you have no brains at all. "

Shaking Tianding snorted coldly: "You know what a shit! Those little boys are all rubbish, all stupid. If they are asked to do it, they must do it."

Yun Chujiu felt that it was definitely not the reason, it was probably because the four pieces were broken and could not be seen or some other reason, that's why Shan Tianding thought of this roundabout way.

One more thing, it might be a rat avoidance device.

With this knowledge, Yun Chujiu had a bottom in his heart.

She continued to hold the fragments of the medicine cauldron slowly and said: "It's boring to go out anyway, you just keep me here.

By the way, you don’t have to worry about me starving or dying of thirst. The food in my storage ring is enough to live for thousands of years. "

Shaking Tianding said gloomily: "You are not afraid that I will threaten you with the lives of those two people?"

Yun Chujiu said in his heart, no wonder he helped Fei Yi and Chi Wu intentionally or unintentionally during the previous assessment. It was originally intended to threaten her.

"If you want to kill it, kill it! But I have to remind you that I will pay you back if you kill them. If you kill them, I will take this rake and broken umbrella to get out of my breath.

In addition, I originally wanted to tell you two other broken things, but now you upset me, I decided not to say it. "

"What's wrong with Lao Liu and Lao Qi? Did something happen to them?" Shan Tianding asked anxiously.

Yun Chujiu's heart moved, the sixth and seventh?

Is it possible that the four treasures of the mountain and the four tatters are from the oldest to the eighth? That is to say a set?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Shaan Tianding said angrily: "You lied to me! You don't know the situation of the sixth and seventh."

Yun Chujiu was about to speak, but the panicked voice of the ball of yarn came from his divine consciousness:

"Master, it's not good! Little Jinyun, it's crazy!"

 Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



(End of this chapter)

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