Chapter 991 is sure to still faint

The dark wind in the corner saw the look of the shopkeeper's face, and could not help but give the cloud a thumbs up. Hey, Miss Nine is smart. This old man is the confidant of the lady, and can get the old one. It is recognized that there is a little more chance of winning the wife of the Lord, and Miss Nine is really high!

In fact, the dark wind completely thinks more!

At the beginning of the cloud, when the four people were eating, the cloud was very small and the stomach was small. The point of the buns was much more, so they packed it up. When they saw the shopkeeper, they gave it to him...

After another day, the time for the second round of testing is over.

After the first round of elimination, there were only a thousand teams in the second round of testing, which is 4,000.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was curious. I don’t know what the second round of testing is. It’s better to team up and test. Otherwise, Feng Ming’s brothers may not be able to pass. Well, this product is self-confident.

The instructor who was in charge of the test finally appeared. He looked around and everyone was quiet.

"The second round of testing is still a team test. After you are sent to the test site, there are a number of scenarios to choose from. The difficulty of encountering the monsters is basically the same. The less the team points, the higher the group scores. The top 500 teams. Qualified for the third round of testing.

This round of testing is the same as the first round of testing. If you are in danger, you can inject the gods into the jade card and give up the test. However, once the jade card is activated, you also lose the opportunity to enter the third round. Now the test begins. ”

The voice of the instructor just fell, and everyone’s eyes flashed and they were sent to the test site.

There are several entrances in front of the crowd, marked with: forests, valleys, deserts, ice fields, oceans...

Everyone realized that they were free to choose the scene. Most people chose the forest and the valley. These two scenes are the most familiar to them. The monsters inside can often meet, know their weaknesses, and deal with them. It will do more with less.

"Small nine sisters, which scene do we choose?" Feng Ming whispered, and said that the heart would choose the desert? After all, when it just flew, it fell into the desert.

"We chose this!" The cloud first came to the front of the ocean entrance.

Feng Ming three faces a stiff, ocean? Little nine sister, you didn't sleep well last night? ! Although we can swim, but there is no comparison with the sea beast, is this not looking for abuse? !

However, Feng Ming three people saw the attitude of the beginning of the cloud, and they had to stand in front of the entrance to the ocean.

After the selection of the people, only the cloud in front of the entrance to the ocean was a group of them, standing alone.

Everyone laughs, it’s a real old hat! I chose the ocean, do you think you are a mermaid? !

The spiritual attack of the monks will be greatly reduced in the water. The sea animals of the same order completely crush the monks of the same order. These four wastes have low spiritual power and also chose the ocean scene, which is basically equivalent to giving up the test! It seems that the first round really took the dog, the donkey, and the transport.

The instructor in charge of the test did not understand the cloud and gave them a look. Although this ocean entrance has been set up, there is basically no choice. This group of 250 is the first choice in the past thousands of years. The scene, are they really sure or faint?

"Since all of you have chosen, start testing now!"

After the instructor's seal, everyone disappeared into the spot, and then blink of an eye has entered the selected scene.

(End of this chapter)

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