Chapter 9928 Sigh

Ergouzi and Dogtail Grass are almost exploding!

Er Gouzi immediately began to curse, "Just because you have disappeared, do you still have the face to scream in front of Xiao Qiaoer's sister?"

Look at your image, just like Tuo Baba, how far you go! "

If it is usual, Xiao Jinyun would definitely scold Ergouzi at each other, but now it still has to do something with its tail between its tail, so it's just a weak point:

"I don't mean anything else. I just want to get to know each other. After all, I have to fight together in the future?!"

Er Gouzi doesn't believe its nonsense at all. If you just want to get to know it, why is it so fancy? !

It said coldly: "Since you just want to know each other, you're done now, shut up!"

Xiao Jinyun was really obedient, and she didn't say anything.

Ergouzi wondered if he was thinking too much. After all, Xiao Jinyun had always claimed to be single Guiyun before, saying that finding a daughter-in-law was very boring and uneconomical.

Yun Chujiu stayed asleep until the evening. After supper, he hoped to hurry to midnight.

Finally staying up to midnight, Yun Chujiu let the dog's tail grass out to alert it by the door.

"If someone comes over during my spellcasting process, even if it exposes your presence, you will stop me, have you heard?"

Kouweicao knew that the matter was important, and quickly agreed.

Yun Chujiu also opened the spiritual contact with the old man Xin Lei, so that you can ask at any time if you have any questions during the process.

Yun Chujiu carefully put the lock of hair on the table, and then began to use the secret method Xin Lei had taught her.

Yun Chujiu's exuded divine consciousness shrouded the lock of hair, and as the secret technique was displayed, Yun Chujiu noticed that the sea of ​​consciousness was shaking.

Yun Chujiu's heart touched his throat, and the trembling of the sea of ​​consciousness indicated that the secret method had succeeded, and then he could perceive whether Xiao Bailian was alive or had fallen.

At this time, the divine consciousness covering the lock of hair has become a light curtain.

If the person is still alive, the light curtain will flash with red dots of light, if the person falls, nothing will appear on the light curtain.

Yun Chujiu stared at the light curtain, looking forward to the appearance of red dots.

However, hundreds of breaths passed, and the light curtain was still empty.

Yun Chujiu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, but still stubbornly did not withdraw his consciousness.

The old man Xin Lei couldn't help but sighed, and then said:

"Recover your divine consciousness. Maybe your divine consciousness is too weak, or it may be that the medium is not qualified. Let's think of another way!"

Yun Chujiu didn't seem to hear him, still staring at the light curtain.

She didn’t believe that Emperor Beiming would really fall. He said that he would marry her for Shili Hongzhuang, that he would always be with her, and that he would never die, how could he be willing to leave her alone. The world? !

Although the old man Xin Lei couldn't bear it, he still said:

"This secret method itself consumes divine consciousness. If you never take back divine consciousness, your sea of ​​consciousness will be severely damaged, at the slightest damage to the cultivation base, and at the worst, your life will not be guaranteed!"

Yun Chujiu still stared at the light curtain, as if he could no longer hear the outside world.

The old man Xin Lei was a little anxious. What he just said was not frightening her. If he doesn't take back his consciousness, he will really be fatal!

The three people in the dantian felt that it would be impossible to continue this way. They couldn’t watch Yun Chujiu die, and the ball of yarn said to Gouweicao:

"You happen to be outside, quickly interrupt her forcibly."

Dog's tail grass:"……"

 Something happens temporarily, I can only update one chapter today, sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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